so.. your into RC's huh....

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IMO Micro T=indoor only=crap outside...

its a VERY expensive hobby man! $600 might get you a cheap complete kit, or possibly something decent second hand..

expect to spend about $1200 for a complete good setup new off the shelf.. thats radiop, car, fuel, batteries, etc. Then there is learning how to tune, breaking it in, replacing bushings with bearings, changing gear ratios, adjusting gearboxes, fixing trims, ITS ALL SUCH A HEAD F#!@!lol

Electric FTW! :D
wow that's allot more than I had in mind :eek:
I just like the sound of nitro cars and would be fun tinkering with the tiny little engine, plus instead of waiting for batteries to charge just refill and off you go :D

I think I might just get a micro-t to muck around with and leave the big cars to those who have $ to burn :p
man the nitros are so fiddley, for example in winter you have to tune them because of the air temperate thn same in summer.. go to a rc track and i bet 50% of them will be fiddling with theyre cars instead of using them.. but its heaps mad fun when theyre going:D

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when you post a pic you need to put a link to the image with
around it, try using, and don't try posting pics until you can get it right
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i did that but still it shows up like that i have read the pic posting for dummies thing 3 times and did everthing and i was hopeing it was my pc not showing the pics because it has some thing wrong with it
i did that but still it shows up like that i have read the pic posting for dummies thing 3 times and did everthing and i was hopeing it was my pc not showing the pics because it has some thing wrong with it

the link to the photobucket page hosting the image IS NOT THE LINK TO THE IMAGE!! right click on it then press VIEW IMAGE, now that will the link to the image,
you've almost got it right, you just need to understand what a URL is
dont get a MICRO T.. seriously... they are ****..look at it realisticly.. its TO SMALL to use anyware decent! .. look at 1:18th scale.. heaps more versatile if you want a small yet FUN and USEABLE machine :)

You can buy cheaper nitros, dont get me wrong, but you WILL break stuff on them and be replacing things more than a name brand item.

How much do you want to spend??

yea I just like the micro-t because of the price and mod availability, all the u-tube vids show it on flat tracks and tiny cardboard ramps which isn't really what I wanna do, I wanna thrash around on dirt and hit small bmx style jumps. it really flys for such a tiny car tho ;)

the LOSI 1/18 Mini-Desert Truck doesn't cost much more I'll look into it, that nitro truck looks too cheap but I'll search around a bit and see if there's any feedback anywhere

fools do you upgrade your batteries to get more runtime? how much on average to you get out of your cars? I just hate seeing electric cars that last 5mins then gotta charge for an hour
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ok so I've had a good look around the web and you-tube at the mini-T and the mini-DT and I'm liking what I see

does anyone here have one or have experience with one? Do you think it's a good buy for $230 or a piece of junk? first mods I should do?

what's some good aussie RC forums? or worldwide?
don't get into RC, bloody EXPENSIVE hobby, started with a tamiya tt01 for drifting, then had to get a hpi cyclone with mamba brushless motor for road race, then another hpi pro4 for drifiting with another mamba brushless, then a hpi cyclone d4 yet again with a mamba brushless motor for offroad, then a HPI baja5b for 1/5th scale madness. Add in all the hop-ups, and li-po batteries and you've got a very expensive hobby, I've still got a room full of the stuff and I don't even get time to touch any of it anymore.
got that same enzo body on my hpi sprint

might have to get some pics up of my duratrax evader and hpi sprint
the dominator is a great machine, i put i 2 speed box n high torque servo in mine along with off road treads n it goes hard as **** when tuned well, love it!!!!
well here's some i been mucking with for you can see i havent done anything with them for a while(covered in dust)

1/5 scale 2 stroker (steering servo killer)

mine and my sons tamiya drifter's (last used about 8 months ago)

1/8 scale nitro car (last used over a year ago)

and a TA05 ,TT01 and a frog that i been slowly putting together. i have a couple of brand new bodies for these as well, just not painted yet..
this is my ferrari enzo now



i put on the gold wheels on the back because it can drift better and the white one so it has grip on the front
and does anyone know if there is a body like this for these i know there is one of the newer model
yeah they abc models make a old skool rx7 same as the one in the pic..