The thing with 2wd's I have found is that the handling goes out the window..
being brushless as well, its going to have a far bit of power and is going to end up all over the shop.. Is it going to be a basher? might also get stuck of sticks and stuff..
I would go for an e-revo or something more like a monster truck.. or a nitro buggy, I have always been a fan of nitro buggies and cars, I refer the smell and the noise to a electric buzzing bee kind of sound..
I have a Thunder Tiger EB4.. best money I have ever spent on an RC.. Option of .21 and .28 motors, Mine is the .21 which is very strong, my buggy has been though a lot and it still pulls out on top, jump it as high as you want, flat land, everything, only thing I have upgraded is the tyres to a more chunky set as the std go bald quick, I paid $500 bucks for mine. My mate has a GV nitro buggy, same size engine, but sh!t quality.. I leaned out his car a hell of a lot and mine was still running a healthy rich air mix, and it few past it like it was standing still in a small drag race..