so.. your into RC's huh....

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? whats need to know buddy? from the front.. u will have ur steer servo, 3 wires into a single plug. that goes into reciever, presuming your running an ESC and not a mechanical speed control, that will have 3 wires going into a single plug.. that goes into reciever.. either slot one or two.. cant recall but going to guess accel is slot one, steer slot 2.. two thick wires from ESC go to the battery.. you may be running a light kit, which will go into anoter slot on the reciever. possibly an accsessories. you may even have a cheats system onboard.. like a drift assist unit.. again.. goes into the reciever.. where abouts I couldnt tell ya, but slots 1 and 2 are for steer and throttle.. the rest are for lights/drift assist etc..

post up your car and we can help you out.. no ggod following someone elses wiring diagram if you dont have the same spec car..
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I got a hobbypro 1/6 with a 23cc 2 stroke motor. Pic not exact mine but u get the idea
? whats need to know buddy? from the front.. u will have ur steer servo, 3 wires into a single plug. that goes into reciever, presuming your running an ESC and not a mechanical speed control, that will have 3 wires going into a single plug.. that goes into reciever.. either slot one or two.. cant recall but going to guess accel is slot one, steer slot 2.. two thick wires from ESC go to the battery.. you may be running a light kit, which will go into anoter slot on the reciever. possibly an accsessories. you may even have a cheats system onboard.. like a drift assist unit.. again.. goes into the reciever.. where abouts I couldnt tell ya, but slots 1 and 2 are for steer and throttle.. the rest are for lights/drift assist etc..

post up your car and we can help you out.. no ggod following someone elses wiring diagram if you dont have the same spec car..

thanks mate yer its mattbombers old 1 my mate reckons its hte recever im getting another 1 tmorro ill chuck up a pic of it later
Some of thy collection, rest are in bits! Used to race now they just sit there lol. Cars are from left in outside pic - Tamiya TL-01, XTM x-cellerator + one in bits, Team losi xxx-t and Hyper7 which were both used for racing. Also have an electric plane and choppa but ceebz takin a pic.


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thanks mate yer its mattbombers old 1 my mate reckons its hte recever im getting another 1 tmorro ill chuck up a pic of it later

Are you running a 2.4speky or a fm/ am recever and remote.

Slot 1 & 2 are yes for steer and throttle, But make sure they go in the right ones or
you will or cld blow up ur speedy.

Light you can run if your running a 3rd channel. But then again it come down to
what motor you are running and speedy and controler.
Have u got a stock motor, brushed, brushless.

But pic would be good And a little more info on what is really doing..
Iv added a TRaxxas Slash to my collection in the last week.. 2wd with 3500kv brushless.. :) Woot, skate parks here I come ;)
I added a Traxxas Slash 2wd to my collection in the last couple of weeks, got a 3500KV brushless coming.. Skate parks will be my domain ;)
this is my W.M.D (Weapon of Mad Doughnuts!!!)
its a tamiya tt01 RRP $399 (extra specs to come)
im its 3rd owner the first owner had some buddies with r/c's so he bought it to be super cool (hence the flly sick holes in it) and found that he didnt have enough tallent (hence the body damage) 2nd owner is my best friends dad who bought this for 50 bucks to fix up and sell so he fixed and tricked (a few little trick bits) it and then said while i was at his place that if my dad fixed his trailer he would give it to my dad to give to me for chrissy...
next thing you know he's here with the trailer and some r/cs for me and jamie (best friend) to muck around with without a mention of the r/c so i thought ok maybe i wont be getting an awsome r/c for chrissy...
chrissy day comes and i find a wolfpack battery packet on the bench and im like holy sh!t he actually got it!!!
im gonna get some drift wheels like foolspeed suggested but i need the right rims?
can someone help me out with finding the right ones?
preferably cheap ones but built well!
anyway pic time:






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Wont get a 1600 for any 1/10 car sorry to tell you..

there only make them for hpi mini cap racers.
Here two of my cars.

TC5R Team


trf416 copy

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Wont get a 1600 for any 1/10 car sorry to tell you..

there only make them for hpi mini cap racers.

i think im gonna cry lol!
that sucks monkey nuts!
any other rally car shells other than a wrx!
ive seen too many wrx r/c's so it's like monster kits on a bike
i wanna stand out!
and what's so good about brushless?
what is the difference? cost? speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed?
this thread turning into rc p*rn

might have to change the title to

so your into rc p*rn huh

cause chonda that thing is **n bling lol so much blue bits beautiful how does it go?
mine isnt running properly coz it will barely turn right it'll turn to full left but barely right!
and it wont stay straight it curves off to the left slightly!
its go a electronic speed controller if thats any help?
i really wanna fix it coz it driving me crazy!
itll be fine but if the ground is a little moist it will be like this the next day!!!
heeeeeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!
ohhhh....Rc cars...?

as soon as i saw this thread title i was like yer right up my alley, then im like dammmmm