STOLEN!! dhz 160r 2days old!!!

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i got my house broken into a last year and my honest advise is go for a drive with a big pole and go to everyone of your friends houses and drive where ever you think it would be suss because the cops arent gonna do **** . This F*CKIN pisses me off .
yea i had a $700 skate board, $2000 BMX bike, a $250 helmet and **** loads of other stuff stolen nd then cops didn't do ****ing anything! so **** man, hope you get your bike back, the little ****ers deserve your car up there ass
i got my house broken into a last year and my honest advise is go for a drive with a big pole and go to everyone of your friends houses and drive where ever you think it would be suss because the cops arent gonna do **** . This F*CKIN pisses me off .

iv'e done that but i had my "road ragers tool" it's a tomahawk lol i went to evrey1s house and drove around for 2 hours. it must be sitting in some1s shed
iv'e done that but i had my "road ragers tool" it's a tomahawk lol i went to evrey1s house and drove around for 2 hours. it must be sitting in some1s shed

tomahawk aye , i like your style haha but seriously i hope you find it because that is just the worst luck and dont hold back :hache: lol im not telling you to murder someone just saying they deserve what they get .
i know exactly how u feel mate, i had been saving 4 3 months 2 buy my brand new pitbike, me and dad decided 2 go c the saints play freo, locked it away in the van had it all covered n windows tinted, parked in a secure parking lot with guards n everything, and some CXNT broke into the van and stole the bike, tiedowns n all. it had never even been started, straight outta the box.

So mate ur not the only 1, theres 2 many low life ****s out there who cant get a real job, so just remember u'll always be above them.
hey mate, that sucks to hear. if it got stolen that quick i would say it was someone that you knew, or knows you. no way someone broke in my chance just after you bought it.

i'll spread the word around northside for ya.
hey mate know how you feel, had a bike knocked off from my yard in belconnen, what side of town u live on?
hey mate know how you feel, had a bike knocked off from my yard in belconnen, what side of town u live on?

hey mate sucks aye

south side (issa bella plains) but i dont think ill get it back, trying to G my dad up to get a loan for me. LOL

but this time i'm going to get the v2 head straight away NEED MORE POWER. LOL

it had plenty but im greedy. haha
Man, that sucks...

First things first, if you find out who it is call the police, don't smash their head in or you'll be in jail, not them (not sure if you're serious or not).

Secondly, the first rule regarding committing a crime is: Don't tell anyone you are going to commit a crime and don't tell anyone after you commit a crime.

That said, it's a bit late now... Hope you get your bike back one way or another ;)
my suggestion would be to get some images of the bike( obviously as you mentioned you have no ACTUAL pictures) and make up some STOLEN posters, stick them ALL around where ya friends live, milkbars, service stations, bike shops, anyware it will be readily seen. Offer a reward, scumbags will often return something in favour of a 'reward'

I feel for ya dude. I had a car go missing about two months ago, I called towing companys, scrap metal wreckers, the cops, local council.. all to no avail. What ***** me about my situation is I had a note on the car, stating my name/number etc and the legit reason why it was where it was.. do I get a hpone call, no, do any neibours notice it gone, no.. id mde every effort so it was no moveable, took rotor button, removed battery.. so whoever took it..WANTED it.. BASTARDS.

Im guessing its a mate or a mate of a mate.. think about who knows you were getting a new bike. who knows the layout of your property. Who is untrustworthy and is likely to **** on a friend. BOL getting it back man, if ya do.. sell it, the bastards woulda thrashed it and more than likely it wil be fooked.

Id suggest having a chat to your old man about digging a hole and getting something like this prior to getting a new ride...
The Ultimate Security Ground Anchor

daaaaamn fool...... i want that anchor.... whoever thinks of these things i give them props I was bout to bore a hole in one of the 2x4's of my garage and chain it to the wall.... LOL but i know it wont hold it that well... it will help a little bit
^^^^ thanks fool3peed mate i will deffinatly be getting one of those doo wackies in the future!! where would i get one?

it just sucks that you can't leave something in your back yard and be sure it will still be there when you get home!!!

unless you into spending 200 bucks plus and lock system you choose will be easily gone with a cordless grinder , so much so that i can through a **** load big assed chain in a few sec's , best security i know off

a fukoff big dog , dont need to bite just bark his head off
unless you into spending 200 bucks plus and lock system you choose will be easily gone with a cordless grinder , so much so that i can through a **** load big assed chain in a few sec's , best security i know off

a fukoff big dog , dont need to bite just bark his head off

haha i like snitchys idea:boxing:
unless you into spending 200 bucks plus and lock system you choose will be easily gone with a cordless grinder , so much so that i can through a **** load big assed chain in a few sec's , best security i know off

a fukoff big dog , dont need to bite just bark his head off

i would love to get a bull mastiff or a rottie but the land lord dosnt allow any pets at the house
ah ha this is a problem

the dog is the best form of "get the *** out my yard" security i know off

here's mine

aww he/she is a bit of a beast i wouldnt jump your fence. LOL

and i cant get one and take it to a mates place when it's house inspection time cos my nieghbour would dob on me for shure nosie little asian
Ah yes i understand i was once a renter also , im just trying to take your mind of your bike , i do howeva wish you the best of luck finding it , in life i have found , sometimes its better not to show all your friends your new toy , some ppl just dont like others having stuff they cant ,

tho these are lessons i learnt the hard way , and my good man looks like you have done the same

When things like this happen , remember Sh!t happens , and every DOG get's his day , be assured of that


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