my suggestion would be to get some images of the bike( obviously as you mentioned you have no ACTUAL pictures) and make up some STOLEN posters, stick them ALL around where ya friends live, milkbars, service stations, bike shops, anyware it will be readily seen. Offer a reward, scumbags will often return something in favour of a 'reward'
I feel for ya dude. I had a car go missing about two months ago, I called towing companys, scrap metal wreckers, the cops, local council.. all to no avail. What ***** me about my situation is I had a note on the car, stating my name/number etc and the legit reason why it was where it was.. do I get a hpone call, no, do any neibours notice it gone, no.. id mde every effort so it was no moveable, took rotor button, removed battery.. so whoever took it..WANTED it.. BASTARDS.
Im guessing its a mate or a mate of a mate.. think about who knows you were getting a new bike. who knows the layout of your property. Who is untrustworthy and is likely to **** on a friend. BOL getting it back man, if ya do.. sell it, the bastards woulda thrashed it and more than likely it wil be fooked.
Id suggest having a chat to your old man about digging a hole and getting something like this prior to getting a new ride...
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