Yeah, it came with all the o rings and gaskets but the o rings were stuck into the plastic cover, my guess is when they heat srunck the kit onto the cardboard it heated up the rubber to much and it stuck to the plastic wrapping, but the orings were the right size but thry were to thin to make a seal for the cam cover.
Yeah, it would be good idea to invest in some new cam retaining bolts, the stock head are countersunk if I recall and the V2 are flush, they will work but it wont be 100%, you have just dropped $500 on the kit so why not jsut finish it off.
Just lube/oil everthing completly when putting it in, then oil some more.
Cam in first, then rocker arm pins and rocker arms, then the bolts in the end on the rocker arms and set the clearance there and then while its on the bench.
Piston rings can be tricky, you will be able to the difference beteen them all. oil top ring on first then the ruffles oil ring then the bottom oil ring all from the bottom, them middle ring then top ring.
One not with rings, be patient and take extra care not to twist the rings. They will open a fair bit while they are flat, more than enough to slip over the piston without touching it. They will try to twist and buckle, so use all your fingers or the ring opener tool if you have one [not neccessary but nice] never use anythign hard or sharp near the piston or its rings.
When putting the barrel over the piston, use lots n lots of oil, dry rings and dry bore = nasty mess and short life.
Just oil everything, and then oil again. even the top of the piston to be sure, you can always wipe it off once you have the barrel on.