i don't think they will let me on track with only steel cap boots... i will try to find the number for the round 1 track if i cant find it i will prolly just go to franga instead to break in the bike
I reckon you'll be fine, alot of peoples will be wearing the half boots anyway, and there aint that much difference between the 2. Ring Alan from VCM, i'm sure he'll be able to tell you whats what.
i did call him yesterday,he was not very sure...
i guess i will have to hope for the best... he is a good bloke though
about a 11 - 12 i think
i mean i know ill be right if i fall(i have mastered the art lol) i am just wondering about the officials..
i still need to get my pipe sorted (have no way down to the shop atm lol)
You get that pipe sorted, i'll bring me spare pair of boots, unless Coolee has a pair that fit (give me more room if i need it for the big haul) With your pipe, if your planning on getting a new one anyway, get the end cut then put it on the ground a stand on it to bend it a touch more - it doesn't need a big bend, worse can you put a slight kink in it, it won't cause a huge drama for one day of racing.
LMFAO! i rekon 20
There is 7 of us interstate riders coming. I hope more than 13 local riders turn up. Would be a kick in the butt if there is less than last time.