Everyone should just send Kosta a handful of money and he can work it out
i would do that, i have to go work away for home for the week...
Everyone should just send Kosta a handful of money and he can work it out
I won't be able to make it, had an accident at home and don't think ill be able get the lxrs gearbox working correctly by then
Sorry guys
I won't be able to make it, had an accident at home and don't think ill be able get the lxrs gearbox working correctly by then
Sorry guys
Still trying to figure it all out. Corey and I were talking about camping. But thinking about it my cousin lives in Traralgon so might just crash the night at his joint.
First priority is to get my damn bike running. lol
You didnt kick it over with the timing still off, did you?
whos camping/staying around there and who's driving down in the morning?
LOL no mate.
Just need some jetting tweaking as my mixture screw is plastic and is wrecked. I tried to take it out to swap over with another one but it didn't fit. Got some taky ones on there way. Plus I needed a longer throttle cable for my fatbars. Dug through some old gear yesterday and found one though.
Corey and I are going to have a look Thursday night. If not will be rushing it into Greg on Sat morning and hope he can work his magic and get me out of the ****. lol
Can you just snap/pull the plastic outer off the screw and then just adjust it with a screwdriver? Just a thought.
Did ya crash hazza? Is everything okay mate?
Nah man my whole screw is plastic. Nothing else underneath it at all.
All good I will get it sorted. Just a bit hard to start and keep going for any period of time at home as it's so bloody loud. Not an issue at Corey's.
I definitely think I will stay in town that night. Wouldn't mind meeting up with you and Damo if you want to grab dinner or something on Sat night?
All good I will get it sorted. Just a bit hard to start and keep going for any period of time at home as it's so bloody loud.
Yea the 250 filped went over the bars in 4th
Did Knees thumb and shoulder don't think there broken but got some nice big scars
Kxf went into a barbwire fence and gumtree that were right next to me.
Got abit lucky I suppose, big hill to the left barbwire fence and trees to the right
Would love to go as I quite enjoyed traralgon but I cant race the LXR unless I hold the rear wheel off the ground and run around the track haha
sounds like a planmsg me your number. Took mine out for it's proper maiden dirt voyage yesterday, stated off pretty bad as it would fire then not accelerate? bit of head scratching alter i took off the fuel filter and spun the tap around so it had a nice straight feed into the top of the carby, seemed to work O.K then i started to do the same again... Checked the fuel, and then kick myslef in the head for being an idiot... Anyway filled her up and off i went, got back after a short stint and another rider came up to me with a smirk on his face and politely asked "What the F%#K is in that thing?" LOL so yea, she is running quite well now
Bull****, we gonna be ripping skids at midnight catching it all on cam lol
Ah finally bit the dirt hard on the big girl, that's progress to me mate. Glad ya okay but, the next day is always the worse, did the bike pull up okay lad.