VCM - Victorian Classic Motocross Series 2012

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Sweet as, I'll send my Entry and VCM membership away Monday with a money order to make sure I don't miss out!!! I'm super keen to get back out on the bike :) even pulled my finger out and shortened the new chain today so if I can work up the energy to get off the couch I may go to the factory and put it on lol
Good stuff mate. I hope to see as many bikes there as possible.
Does anyone have any idea how many entries have been recieved?
k so you just fill out the vcm form and the race entry form and send them off with mony order wll that cover me for not being a track member if i choose the one day licence bit on the form?
k so you just fill out the vcm form and the race entry form and send them off with mony order wll that cover me for not being a track member if i choose the one day licence bit on the form?

Probably not, you may have to pay a small fee (shouldn't be more than 10 - 15 bucks) on the day for a day track membership.

Your license is separate from track membership.

Don't stress about asking questions, we're here to help. We want ya's to come racing.

Cheers, Kosta.
thanks Kosta,

so ill get those two forms sent off on monday and then just rock up? i spose vcm will let me know if my numbers ok when they get my forms? im sure ill figure it all out hehe
kill patrick


Fill in the entry form and send $50 to the club (gvmcc)
After you have done this you are entered
on the day you will be charged $45 for a 1 day race licence + around 10-15 bux for a one day cluby because if you are not a MA club member you cannot get a day licence. So they charge you a one day club membership (yes MA bull**** but it covers you for insurance on the race track).

please on the entry form write I WILL NEED A DAY LICENCE!!!!!!!
the day licence's have to be pre purchased by the club so to out lay money and not use them is going to be a cost (the books are expencive trust me)

i dont think i can make it any more simple again
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Cheers coolmodee01

That helps me also :) I'll get onto it first thing Monday
Hey, check it out.
Flicking through the paper today, Undera made the Herald Sun's cars guide.

No mention of Mini bikes. I thought we were the main attraction. :laughing-smiley-002:laughing-smiley-002:laughing-smiley-002
Thanks for your help guys think I'm all sorted post everything off on Monday , think I might join vcm it's only $30 n I get to keep my number for the series if I choose to do more n I reckon they deserve some support too as they let us race in their series , cheers heaps for all the info guys n will be good to meet yas
By this time next week we will be in a pub somewhere and ill be trying to keep some drunken lunatics on a leash.
Just smashed my collar bone at parwan trying to catch Reefy n Harry n ate it on the last woop, on my way to hospital fingers crossed I just bruised n can still race next Sunday
damn roy hope all is well, take it easy and keep us posted
hope its not to bad mate and damo hell yeah i cant wait
Bruised n battered but no breaks or fractures I hope, I never ended up at hospital by the time I got there two hours later I wasn't numb anymore n I had a bit of movement back, n i figured if i can move it i haven't broken or fractured anything, I'll see how I go but should be right. I really wanted to get out there today and get to try the tracks at parwan ,the boys from motorbike city , n reefy were out n about n I got to ride round with them which was wicked I was really starting to find a groove n turned real high on the berm n decided last minute to do the whoops n I lost my grip a bit n some reason tried to reposition my grip on the second last woop thus resulting in no bars in hands , I went over the bars n did some archeology n dug up some nice rocks with my shoulder n collar bone the bike tumbled , I've bent my selector n shifter but doms boys should have it right in a couple days , I just hope I will be hope to see u all next week o also it was nice to meet Harry "motovert24 as well even if it was as I got up of the ground after crashing limped over said hello n dragged my sorry self out of there lol all in good fun could have been worse
yeah my last crash i bent the selector also, it had to be cut flush with the casing and still needed a hammer to get it out, see how ya go roy but id still visit a doc and get a referall to get an ultrasound or xray and get it checked properly, dont want an old injury showing its uglyhead when ya get older.:deadhorse:
Ohh **** no good killa!!! Glad you have movement still, atleast you know it's not as bad as I could have been... Hopefully your recovered enough to make next weekend still :)

I came off a ripper today too :( bruised ribs, chest, hand, busted lip, egg on my forhead and no doubt I'll feel more things tomorrow lol was a little dizzy for 10 minutes or so... . Riding on a track out the bush, came out a burn an wheels washed out as I hit the up ramp to a big table top so I landed on the side (soft) and front sunk to so over the bars and head first into the ground!!! Just a little sore and sorry for myself now I've sat down but still rode hard for another hour or so after :)

Still looking forward to Undera though and to meet all you guys!!!