Yeah... We need some organisation!! The thing is Dandenong Motorcycle Club is a popular club. All we need is someone to say NO we dont want them there anymore and no matter how enthusiastic Peter is to have us there if DMCC says no thats it.
Hey everyone, firstly to Prue and her man sorry to hear you got to Kurri and the event was washed out. This sparked the urgency to finish the race bus for interstate group travelling, we have purchased and been working on a Vic. team riders bus to travel to all local and interstate events. If we all travelling as a team everybody gets the option to race an interstate event of their choice at a more affordable cost. So we bought a PROJECT 26 seater bus (with no back seats fitted) a few months ago and Coxy and I drove it back from Dubbo... She needs a little love, so we are painting it black, dropping in a EFI v8 auto on gas, decking out with sound systems, DVD, and play station. The bus will be set up to take 12 people and tow a trailer for everyone’s bikes and gear. So this is when it really becomes fun and friendly to race as a large group. We all race harder, party harder and laugh harder and save money to race. So I had a crazy idea of getting the bus finished in time to take Prue up to the next Kurri race on the 21 November, needs a little help!!! The bus is currently not quite ready for primer, when I have it in primer it then goes to The Horse Power Factory to get a V8 conversion. I need to supply them with V8 engine, auto and wiring, so anyone got an efi Holden/ Ford v8 for sale let me know... HPF need the bus for about 1 week to convert and engineer, then final rub down of primer and I take it to the spray painter already rubbed and he will blow the black colour on (he needs the bus for 2 days), fit windows (glazier 1 day)and trims, then fit seats, audio. I think it’s doable but I may need a hand from anyone who can help!!
Hey everyone, firstly to Prue and her man sorry to hear you got to Kurri and the event was washed out. This sparked the urgency to finish the race bus for interstate group travelling, we have purchased and been working on a Vic. team riders bus to travel to all local and interstate events. If we all travelling as a team everybody gets the option to race an interstate event of their choice at a more affordable cost. So we bought a PROJECT 26 seater bus (with no back seats fitted) a few months ago and Coxy and I drove it back from Dubbo... She needs a little love, so we are painting it black, dropping in a EFI v8 auto on gas, decking out with sound systems, DVD, and play station. The bus will be set up to take 12 people and tow a trailer for everyone’s bikes and gear. So this is when it really becomes fun and friendly to race as a large group. We all race harder, party harder and laugh harder and save money to race. So I had a crazy idea of getting the bus finished in time to take Prue up to the next Kurri race on the 21 November, needs a little help!!! The bus is currently not quite ready for primer, when I have it in primer it then goes to The Horse Power Factory to get a V8 conversion. I need to supply them with V8 engine, auto and wiring, so anyone got an efi Holden/ Ford v8 for sale let me know... HPF need the bus for about 1 week to convert and engineer, then final rub down of primer and I take it to the spray painter already rubbed and he will blow the black colour on (he needs the bus for 2 days), fit windows (glazier 1 day)and trims, then fit seats, audio. I think it’s doable but I may need a hand from anyone who can help!!