which is a good quality cheap pit bike?

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Hey man i had this trouble before with my first thumpstar i brought a crap 125cc for $400 things kept braking it turned out to be a 110cc and i hated going ridin from that point on. But then my dad brought me an Atomik motox actual 125cc thumpstar and its lasted me 2 yrs and 3 months and still goin hard and it is still in brand new condition unlike me bros anyways so i got it off ebay for $605 including postage (your lookin at a bit more these days, bout $750 including postage) so yeah my point bein go look up the atomik and compare it to others something with a linfan engine in it or whatever (Ducar engines are the go despite what everyone says there built in the same fact.. as honda engines) :)
go for the atomik 125cc dunno wid the nitrous ones with the YX and Linfan engines iv got a atomik motox and its the best bike ever. Get the atomik prefferebly one with a Ducar engine since there made in the same factory as Honda.
Hope this helps.
yeh ur bike isnt exactly going to break so to speak but they do have problems you just have to eliminate before it gets worse.
yeah that was funny.. keep coming with the jokes :D its entertaining
not being mean, and not saying ur bikes not good, but if a bike is $750 brand new its probley not the best quality. i no because i made the mistake of buying a ebay bike and now im considering trying to flip it into my dam (its hanging together by wire)
You get what you pay for ;)

The ONLY China/Import Bike I would buy would either be a Pitster Pro or Motovert.

No offence but I wouldn't bother with these so called EBAY Bikes.

But it comes down to what you feel happy laying down your Hard Earnt $$$ for.

For the AMount you have you could buy a Decent Stocka CRF50 with a few Mods but I personally couldn't recommend a CHEAP CHINA Bike sorry...dont want to deal with them.

Hope that Helps in some way?!
go for the atomik 125cc dunno wid the nitrous ones with the YX and Linfan engines iv got a atomik motox and its the best bike ever. Get the atomik prefferebly one with a Ducar engine since there made in the same factory as Honda.
Hope this helps.

yeah, the linfan engines are pretty good aye :)
what a ducar motor isnt made in the same factory as a honda!!! i split the cases in a ducar 125 just today to find third gear is stripped!! **** motors there made so poorly
I have an Atomik 1xxcc, and it's the best bike ever... I have a Ducar 1xx and it's the best bike ever... I have an Orion and it's the best bike ever... I have a PitsterPro and it's the best bike ever. Motovert says his motovert is the best bike ever... MSO140 used to say his MSO140 was the greatest bike on earth, even though he didnt actually own one...
I'm curious to know how many other bikes all these die hard 12 year old veterans have ridden and can actually make a statement as to these cheaper ebay chingas being the best bikes on earth... ha ha ha..
I'm guessing only the one they own, or the one that their cousin's sister's dad's wive's girlfriend's hairdresser's dogwalker once put on a trailer and drove past their house... ba ha ha ha

For those who are actually looking for decent advice as to which bike they should buy, or which bike they should purchase for their child, can we at least give them decent advice as to which bike, and give actual factual information about each bikes merits...
Just starting to wonder how many people have been told to buy a certain bike cause some kid posted and ended up with a ****** China that they dont have the skills or knowledge to maintain, and a kid who ends up with a busted bike in the shed, when we could have given the purchaser some decent and factual advice and they ended up with a better bike...
Another great post Thump140 keep em coming .... Me and Cooly will be at Reefys next month for the annual 50sbrotherhood shootout and test most of the latest models but at this point I reckon my next bike will be a pitster after seeing them decimate all commers at kurr kurri on a bike killing, sandy, wide open track. They went around all day and never looked like stopping and I like the new linkage system and a few other touches they've made . If I was going cheap I' d go dhz ... although he gets some negative comments on here he's well established and will still have the doors open with parts for you in the future unlike some of the fleabay fly by nighters .... this is more important than what sticker kit it's running.;)

And no .... ofcourse Ducars are not made in the same factory as Honda .:rolleyes:
The Pitsters impressed me at Kurri-Kurri last year ... They tracked and handled spot on without missing a beat ... but I missed this years event due to illness ... What engines were they running this year Dready ????? ...
Still the XY 160's Cactus ... I was pretty busy out in the middle marshalling and shooting pics and video and didn't get much of a look in at the pits all day ... but yeah Ken had Timmons ,Boxy and Halliday on the pitsters and no one really got close in the finals.Shame ya missed it mate it was a sick (excuse the pun ) day I think we ran 97 heats by the end .... hope you are on the mend champ

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motoverts are one of the best pittie brands but you will be handing out alot of cash.
I recently got a PitPro XR 140cc for $1300 and shes a beast!
no problems and Ive been jumping it and riding it at every opportunity I get

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