I have an Atomik 1xxcc, and it's the best bike ever... I have a Ducar 1xx and it's the best bike ever... I have an Orion and it's the best bike ever... I have a PitsterPro and it's the best bike ever. Motovert says his motovert is the best bike ever... MSO140 used to say his MSO140 was the greatest bike on earth, even though he didnt actually own one...
I'm curious to know how many other bikes all these die hard 12 year old veterans have ridden and can actually make a statement as to these cheaper ebay chingas being the best bikes on earth... ha ha ha..
I'm guessing only the one they own, or the one that their cousin's sister's dad's wive's girlfriend's hairdresser's dogwalker once put on a trailer and drove past their house... ba ha ha ha
For those who are actually looking for decent advice as to which bike they should buy, or which bike they should purchase for their child, can we at least give them decent advice as to which bike, and give actual factual information about each bikes merits...
Just starting to wonder how many people have been told to buy a certain bike cause some kid posted and ended up with a ****** China that they dont have the skills or knowledge to maintain, and a kid who ends up with a busted bike in the shed, when we could have given the purchaser some decent and factual advice and they ended up with a better bike...