why china bikes are popular

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Many of the leading suppliers of bikes coming from China are now ISO approved - the same standards that all other manufacturers worldwide have to conform to. I rember as a kid anything out of Japan was considered "Jap Crap" - now look at how far they have come.
Pfffft like ***!!!! i hope what pj said repeats itself in your head for ever..." ALL BIKES HAVE PROBLEMS, EVEN HONDAS!!!!!!"

My Honda has NO PROBLEMS AT ALL. So kid, you're wrong again. Not all bikes have problems, just problem owners.
Many of the leading suppliers of bikes coming from China are now ISO approved - the same standards that all other manufacturers worldwide have to conform to. I rember as a kid anything out of Japan was considered "Jap Crap" - now look at how far they have come.

the suppliers may be ISO approved but are their products? And there has never been a JAPCRAP thing with bikes cuase they were the only ones making them, it was anything with 'made in taiwan' that we considered crap, now its chinese.
well my mates mate has a 06 yz250 his a sik rider. the gearbox blow up with in the 4th ride and it was not his fult. yammy puted it apart and done it for free cause it was a fult in the gearbox. so all bikes do have probs even a 8k bike

he races a rmz450 now
Yep you're right pj, bikes have probs. you are saying ALL bikes have probs, thats not true, I,ve seen many bikes have warranty issues, **** I've fixed a hundred jap and austrian bikes with probs, but the rate at which things(and not just moto) fail due to quality control probs from china is around 10-15 percent but from the major jap mans, its less than 2% The cost of production in china is sooooo cheap that the only thing that can suffer is QUALITY. so cost versus quality is the big reason we even buy the stuff from china.
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Yea its ******** to say jap bikes dont have problems.... but i agree that they would have less problems then a china...
at this point in time china makes crap...... unless you go over there and show/tell them how to make it... sure in about 5years the quaility mayb up there but not yet....
the suppliers may be ISO approved but are their products? And there has never been a JAPCRAP thing with bikes cuase they were the only ones making them, it was anything with 'made in taiwan' that we considered crap, now its chinese.

You don't remember that European bikes were before jap bikes? Many many years ago all it was, was European bikes and then the japs started producing clones of the European bikes (just like what china is doing to japan) at a cheaper price and the quality was pretty crap. Over time the jap bikes became more popular and eventually became better quality and cheaper then the European bikes. Now it's china's turn. Just look at the Yamaha ttr50 it is a good bike and is not Chinese crap. Half on the Honda' bikes are produced in country's such as south Africa and Taiwan. I think it will be a long time until the Jap motocross bikes will be made in china but eventually they will.
at this point in time china makes crap...... unless you go over there and show/tell them how to make it... sure in about 5years the quaility mayb up there but not yet....

China makes cheap, quality suffers when costs are cut, we all know that. And yes china will either get better like taiwan did or they will stop trying, Myguess is they will step it up with quality control and the amount of bike factories will reduce in numbers then the price will go up but so will the quality. Cant wait till they build something I can believe in. then I will join the majority....
You don't remember that European bikes were before jap bikes? Many many years ago all it was, was European bikes and then the japs started producing clones of the European bikes (just like what china is doing to japan) at a cheaper price and the quality was pretty crap. Over time the jap bikes became more popular and eventually became better quality and cheaper then the European bikes. Now it's china's turn. Just look at the Yamaha ttr50 it is a good bike and is not Chinese crap. Half on the Honda' bikes are produced in country's such as south Africa and Taiwan. I think it will be a long time until the Jap motocross bikes will be made in china but eventually they will.

Oh yeh they did make bikes before the Japs. They were **** and the jap clones immediately beat them on the track and outlasted them. But yes the japs did originally copy the euros first. then they made them waaaay better, and have done for nearly 50 years. You make some good pionts luver. Its good to have a forum without the slanderous comments from 10 yo kids who know nothing. keep it up luver. A bit of maturity may rub off on these guys.
Also the TTR is ok but it aint as good as a CRF.....
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All triumph's leak oil.......sorry, not all but most.

Lmao, oh so true!! and kickin the buggers with the left leg is a right PITA! lol
I know for a fact the newer ones dont.. but the styling and just general grace of an old british bike is pure $EX on wheels! The old man has 4, three pre 1975 one post 2000... and MY opinoin is the older are oh so much nicer!

Can you imagine these kids of today if they had to put up with the likes of a BSA bantam or an old A50!??! bloody LUCAS electrics! lmao

Its good to have a forum without the slanderous comments from 10 yo kids who know nothing. keep it up luver. A bit of maturity may rub off on these guys......

Fingers Crossed anyway!!!
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Its amazing how some can believe that the Chinese are not capable of producing world class product. They speak of how unless they go over and tell them how to suck eggs there will be a constant stream of crap coming from China, WTF???? The Japanese built their economy after WW2 on copying superior products from Europe and some USA stuff. Why cant the Chinese do the same thing?? Admittedly there has been some real **** land in our marketplace in recent years but the standard is rising at an almost scary rate and in no time at all they will be producing a world class product that all of us will not be able to ignore. I could never have afforded to get Japanese bikes for myself & my 2 sons but the China bikes have allowed me to introduce the awesome sport of off road motorbike riding to my 2 sons - you can't knock that eh?
The main reason that chinese products are bad is because the people who work in the factorys get paid somthing like 6 cents an hour, you can get good products from china aswell.
Its amazing how some can believe that the Chinese are not capable of producing world class product. They speak of how unless they go over and tell them how to suck eggs there will be a constant stream of crap coming from China, WTF???? The Japanese built their economy after WW2 on copying superior products from Europe and some USA stuff. Why cant the Chinese do the same thing?? Admittedly there has been some real **** land in our marketplace in recent years but the standard is rising at an almost scary rate and in no time at all they will be producing a world class product that all of us will not be able to ignore. I could never have afforded to get Japanese bikes for myself & my 2 sons but the China bikes have allowed me to introduce the awesome sport of off road motorbike riding to my 2 sons - you can't knock that eh?

yes it has introduced people who otherwise wouldn't be able to get bikes into the marketplace but, most of these people who have now got into a sport they really can't afford are the people who wil scream blue murder when they have to pay a mechanic 70 bucks an hour to fix these bikes when they need even just a top end rebuild. I've seen it a hundred times . People who pay 800 for a bike won't pay 200 to have a rear wheel respoked with spokes that will out last the rest of the bike. Thats because they have been falsely made to believe they can afford to ride bikes when really they should be playing soccer. What china has done for most things is good, but what a semi third world country has done for the motorcycle industry has some very bad points as well. You need to look at it from both sides not just your narrowminded pennypinching ways. What happens when the kids want to race supercross? will you let them ride a 3k china bike or will you get serious and buy them a Jappa? I know my kid will never jump anything bigger than a blade of grass on a china(if I was silly enough to risk his life by letting him ride one.
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Ahhh.. cost of living in Australia is very low. Try living in London, Paris or Berlin! HA!

As for the china bikes, my feeling is they are incredibly good value for money, as long as you get a half decent one. Not an atomik ebay cheapy special, but also don't have to spend on a top of the range MotoVert. something in the middle is a great buy IMO.

15K for a CRF50, even 10 or 5K just sounds ludicrous
Chinese bikes are cheap and fast. Why pay $5000 for a similar powered bike when u can pay $700-1000
y is it always chinese vs jap??.... yep u got it sixeven it is just immuture which i think evey1 is bein who r arguinover this stupid topic..... i hav got a china bike hav had no probs wat so ever beside the crappy chain that comes on it..... n as u no i hav 2 hondas that hav been runnin 4 thirty years now..... i think it comes more down the owner then the bike......u dont hav to spend a heap of money to get a bang 4 ur buck... look at the MSOs, pitpros n bikes of the same quality i say ther i good bang 4 ur buck n good 4the money..... i hav said it b4 n ill say it again where would this sport b without china bikes?? where would this forum b?? u tell me...........both china n jap bikes hav done great things 4 this sport.....i think every1 should just get over this china vs jap thing n just hav fun n make the best of wat ya got!

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