why china bikes are popular

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I agree completely with 50s Bro, we are all on this forum cos we love bikes, no matter where they are made. No body should be criticized for what bike they buy or how big/small their budget is.
I agree totally.I used to ride both Euro and Jap MX ers for years and years and enjoyed it greatly.Quit the whole scene for a lonnnnnng time .Got Married,the kids are growing up !!! Now along come Chinese bikes and man we are back into it big time at a fraction of the price and having more fun than we did spending the big $........5 years ago Who would have thought you would be able to buy a pitty for under $2000 that COULD take a beating from an adult and kids alike..Without beating up your wallet big time...Im happy the buyers are happy and the missus hasnt left me YET !!!!

Yeah Baby !!!!
hey guys,

not meaning to change the subject but...
i'm kinda new to all of this (my bike's not even here yet) but how can you tell the diff. between china and ja[ bikes?? i got my bike off of ebay, would that most likely be a china??
i would most likely be a china if it was under 2g a link would be handy and back on topic i would profer my china over any crf because of the cost would profer i highly pimp pitster x4 or motovert over a crf / klx
more than likely... if its not a "brand name" bike, honda kwaka, zuki, ktm, husburg, husky, gas gas, TM, yada yada yada then more than likely..

What bike did u get? link up the ad.. or throw up a pic.. chances are 99% its a china bike...
i think the biggest problem with china bikes is that over there you have manufacturers who will design and build the bike and then you have assembly companies that will use different parts from different manufacturers and no care or thought will be used in building the bike.
and also no matter what you buy these days and where its made you have 50/50 chance of it giving you more trouble than pleasure.
and bottom line is no matter what you buy china has there name all over it..
and even big brand names use china , lets take western digital for one they are well known hard drive manufacturer and they have a couple of assembly plants all over the world...
now since i have a computer business i have experienced this myself...
i have 2 computer parts suppliers, 1 supplier will sell me a bunch of western digital drives that wont fail within the warranty period but yet the other supplier will sell me a bunch that will have 5 in 10 units that are either DOA or they will fail within 12 months and all because the second supplier buys from china. so that comes down to quality control.

anyways thats my 2 cents worth on this very old thread that probly should of been closed months ago...

cheers guys:)
ok, in jap vs. china bikes u all kno which bike is gonna win!
but its not only that, not all ppl have 6k + to spend, some people say "why pay 5k on a jap bike when you can get a chinese bike for 700 - 1000" well jap bikes will go alot longer without anything breaking, like pj said, all bikes will break eventually, sure for a reiliable bike like a crf it might take a few years but things do break. but with chinese bikes you won't have to wait mroe than a month or so before something small breaks. but there are still some incredibly good chinese bikes, bikes like pitsterpro's, motoverts, genuine thumpstars etc are high quality bikes and last alot longer than any other chinese bike. some people are just less fortunate, there are people with parents that combined earn 70k a year, and people with parents that earn 200k combined a year. just stop whinging and enjoy what you have, there are people that have no parents out there and people with just a mum that works at maccas with no teethe living in a flat that couldn'teven imagine even riding the cheapest china bike. stop asking the question jap vs. china because for now the answer is always to be jap but in a few years the standard of chinese bikes could rapidly increase, but at the moment jap bikes last a LONG time, mi dad rides his r1 to work and back which takes maybe 40 mins every day (when not raining or like 2 degrees) for the last 3 or 4 years and NOTHING has broken, he gets the oil changed every service like every 5 or 10 thousand k's and there are just over 20,000 k's yet nothing has broken, plus the bike is kept in the weather with a cover that ripped from the heat of the bikes exhaust. just enjoy what you have and remember that many people out there are no where near as fortunate as us yet all u can think about is that u don't like the standard of ur motorbikes........
ok, in jap vs. china bikes u all kno which bike is gonna win!
but its not only that, not all ppl have 6k + to spend, some people say "why pay 5k on a jap bike when you can get a chinese bike for 700 - 1000" well jap bikes will go alot longer without anything breaking, like pj said, all bikes will break eventually, sure for a reiliable bike like a crf it might take a few years but things do break. but with chinese bikes you won't have to wait mroe than a month or so before something small breaks. but there are still some incredibly good chinese bikes, bikes like pitsterpro's, motoverts, genuine thumpstars etc are high quality bikes and last alot longer than any other chinese bike. some people are just less fortunate, there are people with parents that combined earn 70k a year, and people with parents that earn 200k combined a year. just stop whinging and enjoy what you have, there are people that have no parents out there and people with just a mum that works at maccas with no teethe living in a flat that couldn'teven imagine even riding the cheapest china bike. stop asking the question jap vs. china because for now the answer is always to be jap but in a few years the standard of chinese bikes could rapidly increase, but at the moment jap bikes last a LONG time, mi dad rides his r1 to work and back which takes maybe 40 mins every day (when not raining or like 2 degrees) for the last 3 or 4 years and NOTHING has broken, he gets the oil changed every service like every 5 or 10 thousand k's and there are just over 20,000 k's yet nothing has broken, plus the bike is kept in the weather with a cover that ripped from the heat of the bikes exhaust. just enjoy what you have and remember that many people out there are no where near as fortunate as us yet all u can think about is that u don't like the standard of ur motorbikes........