someone said finnish grade 12 it will give u more opitunitys hahahhaha
y would ya when all u r doing is a mEchanic y do u need grade 12 for that all that will happen is u will finnish your app when u r 21/22 when u can do it now (like i did fitter and turner) and u will finish when u r 19 witch means u probly will still be living with mum and dad so the bad pay wont madder as much as u dont need to pay rent. y wait 2 more years?
i am 16 left start of grade 11 own a car a downhill mountain bike ,pc,lizzards and turtles all i paid for by my self (soon a pitster x4) becuse i dont have to pay rent since i still live at home so the $9 an hour isnt realy hurting me