Apprentice Mechanic

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2008
Reaction score
wollongong, NSW
hay guys im in yr 10 and looking to get an apprenaship as a mechanic next yer just wondering if anyone knows a gud place or company to try and any hints that will help me get one :)

thanx duddles
Complete year 12 dude or unless you are at the top of the class.
hi ,, my advise 2 you is 2 stay in school till years 12 and at the same do a night tafe couse in basic machanic ,, and you have your pick of the best apprentiships then and get a better idea if you like that kind of work :)
mate if that what you want to do, do it.
honestly dont listen to anyone else. if you have your mind set, follow it.
im an apprentice mechanic and loving it. i cant help you out with a place or job sorry dude.
good luck
why finish grade 12 when you dont need it for mechanics lol
do year 12 will give you more opitunitys

but try work exsperiance and a machanics joint and if you love it leave skool after year 10 and do it
yea wait untill u go and do a bit of work experience mate, if ya like it, go and do it. i went to a crappy garage for mine, didn't like it that much. Try and do yours in a dealership, there cleaner and have a better work ethic that most private garages.
i was gonna do an apprenticeship, but now im buckling down, going to try my hand at being an automotive engineer.
yeh my dad is a machanic so i have had a bit of exsperience workin on cars at home and dat. he works at thieses on the garbage trucks i was thinkin bout tryin there but they just put an apprentice on so it wont be availible for a while and the trucks stink lol
im sick of hearing this finish yr 12 sh*t everywhere, i have never been asked if i finished year 12 or not, if being a mechanic is what you want to be in life then go do it and make some money instead of these other ******* that will finish yr 12 and still be a cashier
if you honestly hate school, couldnt put up with it any longer... want to get into the trade id say the best thing to look into is diesel
and if it helps I,m a builder and left after year 10. if youre sure you want to be a mechanic dont waste 2 years doing 11 and 12. And find a small business, youll learn how to fix a variety of cars properly cause from what ive seen of the dealers theyll teach you how to wash cars and wipe things clean so they can charge people for replacing them.Had that happen way to many times. Try marking ya plugs and stuff before a service and see if there still there when you pick it up.
I wish everyone would stop saying that going to year 12 wastes 2 years of an apprenticeship. Year 11 and 12 are becoming more and more necessary for a job everywhere you look. And think of it this way, if you leave dislike it and want to change jobs and your up against someone that has finished year 12 you've got no hope. Finishing year 12 IS NOT A WASTE OF TIME, I agree school sucks ass but the 2 years extra on your resume looks a tonne better than year 10.
I wish everyone would stop saying that going to year 12 wastes 2 years of an apprenticeship. Year 11 and 12 are becoming more and more necessary for a job everywhere you look. And think of it this way, if you leave dislike it and want to change jobs and your up against someone that has finished year 12 you've got no hope. Finishing year 12 IS NOT A WASTE OF TIME, I agree school sucks ass but the 2 years extra on your resume looks a tonne better than year 10.

alot of employers will take someone with experience over someone with a higher education... this played a big roll in me finding a apprenticeship! and because i had no previous experiences in the workforce it made it very hard for me to find anything... even though i got a hsc!
someone said finnish grade 12 it will give u more opitunitys hahahhaha
y would ya when all u r doing is a mEchanic y do u need grade 12 for that all that will happen is u will finnish your app when u r 21/22 when u can do it now (like i did fitter and turner) and u will finish when u r 19 witch means u probly will still be living with mum and dad so the bad pay wont madder as much as u dont need to pay rent. y wait 2 more years?
i am 16 left start of grade 11 own a car a downhill mountain bike ,pc,lizzards and turtles all i paid for by my self (soon a pitster x4) becuse i dont have to pay rent since i still live at home so the $9 an hour isnt realy hurting me
im leaving at the end of the year to do a trade. everyone says do year 12 for my opportunitys and crap like that. if you have the skills they will hire you PLUS if you want to you can go to TAFE and you year 12,no biggy
In answer to your question let your fingers do the walking and select the 50 closest workshops to where you live. Print out 50 CV's and do 50 personalised letters (one to each garage) and hand deliver each one and introduce your self to the boss. If you have nothing decent to wear then wear your school uniform. Make sure you have had a hair cut and tuck your shirt in. You will have a job in no time.

By the way I recon you are best to finish year 12. If you want to do a mature age university degree one day you will be asked for your year 12 results (i know from experience).
someone said finnish grade 12 it will give u more opitunitys hahahhaha
y would ya when all u r doing is a mEchanic y do u need grade 12 for that all that will happen is u will finnish your app when u r 21/22 when u can do it now (like i did fitter and turner) and u will finish when u r 19 witch means u probly will still be living with mum and dad so the bad pay wont madder as much as u dont need to pay rent. y wait 2 more years?
i am 16 left start of grade 11 own a car a downhill mountain bike ,pc,lizzards and turtles all i paid for by my self (soon a pitster x4) becuse i dont have to pay rent since i still live at home so the $9 an hour isnt realy hurting me

9 buks and hour is good for a 16 year old but not anything else IMO

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