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to do it DIY,

lube the beads of the tyre up with some soapy water the make it easier to slip over the rim.
fit one side of the tyre onto the rim, making sure the beading of the tyre sits in the deeper centre part of the rim.
make sure the nut holding the rimlock onto the rim is undone until it is only just holding on by a thread or 2.
then slip the tube into the tyre,
locate the valve through the hole in the rim and fit a valve cap to it to stop it pulling through inside the tyre/rim.
tuck the tube in all the way around, properly with no twists etc.
then carefully use the tyre levers to fit the other bead of the tyre.
make sure when you are levering that you dont pinch the tube with the levers as you lever it on.
slip your fingers inbetween the tyre and rim, feeling if the tube is there
it can get a bit tight as you go around the rim, try and make sure the bead that has been fitted is sitting in the centre recess of the rim.
keep going around the rim levering the tyre on.
once it is on then put a little air in the tube, not too much.
then push the nut on the rimlock, inwards towards the rim, this will locate the rimlock on the inside edges of the tyre.
now pump the tyre up to the correct pressure, approx 16-18 psi.
the rimlock can now be tightened up, and the valve locking nut can be fitted.
fit the valve cap and you're done, ready to fit back onto the bike again

most tyre places charge between $20 -$30 to fit the tyres,
some shops wont even touch the smaller 12" and 10" wheels because of the chance of pinching the tube.

good luck,
Re: How to get tyres on???

Are you sure shops won't touch 12" wheels?

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man great work craig, ++++reps for you. Most places will do your 12", a car or maybe if your lucky a deisel mechanic will do it too.

The only thing I do different is I put the tube in when the first bead of the tyre is on the rim and then push the valve through the hole. Should give your way a shot next time.

If you DIY mate don't get too ****ty if you pinch a tube or two on your first wheels, it happens! alot! Once (not too long ago) I pinched 2 tubes and patched one of them twice and the third tube went in a treat.
Practice make perfect.
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^^ sounds like you do it the same way russell

and chickenwingz, i said some shops wont fit the smaller tyres, i know of a couple that wont.
Put enough air in the tube once you put it in so it just holds its shape, makes it easier to keep it out of the way of the levers when popping on the last bead
I'm not confident doing my own wheels, i popped 2 BMX bike tubes 3 days ago trying to put them on :/
ring around the tyre shops, motorcycle shops tomorrow then, you should be able to find someone local.

btw how did you pop bmx tubes, you dont even need tools 99% of the time.
just leave them in the sun for 1/2 hour first, then do it by hand
I bought 2 tyre levers yesterday when i bought my tyre but i don't really know how to use them effectively.
Worth upgrading?

I got a Pitster Pro X4R and was wondering if it is worth doing engine mods to it, also what mods should i do?
Or cheaper alternative find some old spanners and grind em down, that's how I did my 12' but wasn't easy
what do u want to do mate? are you going to race?? putting the 184 kits in def limit engine life! If your not racing id put a good carb on and just a v2 head! With the 184 v2 iv broke kick start shafts, done 3rd gear, had to split the cases a cpl of times (although i believe i had some bad luck)
It sure is, the engine looks like it has been replaced, it still has the alloy frame and thumpstar had the 3 bolt brake discs, she looks pretty ordinary. Apart from the frame and if the suspension is okay i wouldnt pay any more than...i dont know really $300. Up nth where i am bikes have more resale but sth there is so much 2nd hand gear to purchase bargains are everywhere.
The backend pic looks like it could be twisted but may just be the plastics and tank not lining up, but if you get behind it obviously the tyre should be in the centre of the swinger and the frame and the triple clamps on the bars. If it is bent then you wouldn't pay much as it would cost a heap to replace parts.
a back tyre on the front rim is always a good look too! ......not
it's had a hard hit to the r/h footpeg too looking from behind

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