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well read the thread then it's pretty straightforward, and yes most of the time anything bad said about pitster is deleted from PM, I don't understand why they haven't deleted this one yet
I think planetmini's must be over there ways of controlling the forum.. and are just letting everyone no the truth ..

Oh well about time . it was always going to catch up to them
Mountain, i checked your stats and you clean, if you still have problems let me know, i enjoy your smartass comments.
a man of his word huh? Then why did you not just buy a bike from Terry and just pay his priceing?

1-4-2010 email to me from "Truth", explaining he WOULD be buying from me, even at the $200 higher than dealer cost (-$300 from retail) that I was asking. I figured I'd make up some of the difference in the motor I'd be building for the bike. I can feed my 2 year old daughter decent on $200 profit...

Before I spoke with you I was in contact with Pitster. I hate to say anything, but I don't think this is right of them to conduct business in this manner. I said I would keep this quite, this really kills me not to, I am a man of my word. At the same time I don't think it's right to undercut your dealers pricing to any joe schmoe. I'm buying from you, already planed on you doing the motor thats why I asked for the roller price. I was given the roller price for the whole bike. It's not that I don't like a lower price, I just don't feel it's right to set a high MSRP value expect and then undercut it.

I am not asking for you to give me a deal, price match, or anything stupid like that. I once ran a small business myself, and like you have a family too feed. I just was aware that this had been a problem in the past and don't feel it's the right way to do business.

I'm spending my money with you! Please keep this between me and you I don't want to be envolved.

Thanks for being honest. You've earned my business, and I greatly look forward to running the hell out of one of your creations. Please don't mention my name or anything to anyone.
Oldest at the bottom

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: lxr roller
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 15:29:02 -0700


Gary G.

Home of Pitster Pro Pit bikes and ATV's
Team support https://www.efusjon.com/pitsterpro
Office # 801.796.7416
Shop online here http://shop.pitsterpro.com
Fax # 801.796.7421
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: lxr roller

Is that price for the complete bike, motor and all?

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: lxr roller
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:00:46 -0700

To be honest with you the best way is for me to make you a good deal on a complete bike, then you can sale off the stuff you dont want.

Otherwise by the time I pull the motor out and charge the labor for custom work, you are getting back up in price.

Here is what i can do.
$1849 for the complete bike, plus a $49 shipping fee.
Sale the motor and other parts and you are money ahead.
Let me know what you would like to do.


Gary G.

Home of Pitster Pro Pit bikes and ATV's
Team support https://www.efusjon.com/pitsterpro
Office # 801.796.7416
Shop online here http://shop.pitsterpro.com
Fax # 801.796.7421
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:08 AM
Subject: RE: lxr roller

Salem, Illinois 62881

Thanks for your time Gary

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: lxr roller
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:39:24 -0700

What is your location?

Gary G.

Home of Pitster Pro Pit bikes and ATV's
Team support https://www.efusjon.com/pitsterpro
Office # 801.796.7416
Shop online here http://shop.pitsterpro.com
Fax # 801.796.7421
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 4:53 PM
Subject: lxr roller

Is it possible to get a lxr roller minus a few items? I want to build a custom lxr but don't really want to buy the parts I won't use. I would like 12/14 roller with crf mounts minus the throttle and cable, grips, bars, exhaust, airbox, oil coolers and lines, or tires and tubes---and Upgraded to ASV levers.

Long dumb question, just wasn't sure if this type of custom order would be possible.

Locked down. Thread had lost it's focus, point was made, trolls ruined the fun.
I had a long talk, late last night, with a mod. there's no PP control of PM, at least now...
Threads get locked when they go personal.
And... BW/PitsterRider, while we're discussing PP dealings, go ahead and explain how you became a "Pitster Rider"...
1-4-2010 email to me from "Truth", explaining he WOULD be buying from me, even at the $200 higher than dealer cost (-$300 from retail) that I was asking. I figured I'd make up some of the difference in the motor I'd be building for the bike. I can feed my 2 year old daughter decent on $200 profit...

Before I spoke with you I was in contact with Pitster. I hate to say anything, but I don't think this is right of them to conduct business in this manner. I said I would keep this quite, this really kills me not to, I am a man of my word. At the same time I don't think it's right to undercut your dealers pricing to any joe schmoe. I'm buying from you, already planed on you doing the motor thats why I asked for the roller price. I was given the roller price for the whole bike. It's not that I don't like a lower price, I just don't feel it's right to set a high MSRP value expect and then undercut it.

I am not asking for you to give me a deal, price match, or anything stupid like that. I once ran a small business myself, and like you have a family too feed. I just was aware that this had been a problem in the past and don't feel it's the right way to do business.

I'm spending my money with you! Please keep this between me and you I don't want to be envolved.

Thanks for being honest. You've earned my business, and I greatly look forward to running the hell out of one of your creations. Please don't mention my name or anything to anyone.
Oldest at the bottom

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: lxr roller
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 15:29:02 -0700


Gary G.

Home of Pitster Pro Pit bikes and ATV's
Team support https://www.efusjon.com/pitsterpro
Office # 801.796.7416
Shop online here http://shop.pitsterpro.com
Fax # 801.796.7421
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: lxr roller

Is that price for the complete bike, motor and all?

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: lxr roller
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:00:46 -0700

To be honest with you the best way is for me to make you a good deal on a complete bike, then you can sale off the stuff you dont want.

Otherwise by the time I pull the motor out and charge the labor for custom work, you are getting back up in price.

Here is what i can do.
$1849 for the complete bike, plus a $49 shipping fee.
Sale the motor and other parts and you are money ahead.
Let me know what you would like to do.


Gary G.

Home of Pitster Pro Pit bikes and ATV's
Team support https://www.efusjon.com/pitsterpro
Office # 801.796.7416
Shop online here http://shop.pitsterpro.com
Fax # 801.796.7421
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:08 AM
Subject: RE: lxr roller

Salem, Illinois 62881

Thanks for your time Gary

From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: lxr roller
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:39:24 -0700

What is your location?

Gary G.

Home of Pitster Pro Pit bikes and ATV's
Team support https://www.efusjon.com/pitsterpro
Office # 801.796.7416
Shop online here http://shop.pitsterpro.com
Fax # 801.796.7421
----- Original Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 4:53 PM
Subject: lxr roller

Is it possible to get a lxr roller minus a few items? I want to build a custom lxr but don't really want to buy the parts I won't use. I would like 12/14 roller with crf mounts minus the throttle and cable, grips, bars, exhaust, airbox, oil coolers and lines, or tires and tubes---and Upgraded to ASV levers.

Long dumb question, just wasn't sure if this type of custom order would be possible.


Thank you Terry! I stayed out of it, and would likely have never said a word. Then someone had to go and call me a liar. I'm a lot of things but a liar ain't one of them.

Then you felt the need to jump in Blackwoodz, way to help your buds. Stoke the fire building under my arse when I've already been insulted for trying to do the right thing.
It says "before I spoke with you" in the first line. Just to clear that up before some one says anything. I had just spoken to Terry on the phone. We had been discusing my planned purchase long before that in emails and pm's
Last edited:
Locked down. Thread had lost it's focus, point was made, trolls ruined the fun.
I had a long talk, late last night, with a mod. there's no PP control of PM, at least now...
Threads get locked when they go personal.

....and before Mr Pitster answers any of the questions actually being asked...

Point may have been made, but the questions remain unanswered.

Brava, Mr Pitster...

ah well, hopefully there's enough awareness out there now, that Atomik, oops, i mean Pitster Poo USA lose a few sales....

I wonder how that factory recall on the poorly designed hubs is going, now that it's been identified as a design fault??..... ;)
....and before Mr Pitster answers any of the questions actually being asked...

Point may have been made, but the questions remain unanswered.

Brava, Mr Pitster...

ah well, hopefully there's enough awareness out there now, that Atomik, oops, i mean Pitster Poo USA lose a few sales....

I wonder how that factory recall on the poorly designed hubs is going, now that it's been identified as a design fault??..... ;)

im interested as to why the mods didnt keep the spam and off topic convo out of the thread.. who gives a flyin toss who won the freakin football or baseball or whatever they are on about half way thru!?

Mr Pitster USA is welcome to come here and comment and 'clear' things up should they wish.. would be a smart move imo.. but I aint holdin my breath for it!

Id like to ftake this chance to formally welcome out new USA members to MR.com.au :) welcome in fellas! Have a blast, ya wont get censored, just follow the rules(which are pretty minimal) Any troubles, Pm myself or one of the other 'powers that be' and we will endevour to help ya out.

regards Sp33d.
lol heres the last reply
there a bunch of skirts over there thts for sure...
i didnt really think the thread was as bad as there making out...mods should of cleaned the thread not locked it down.

sht we are 1000 times worse over here...

hmmm and they wonder why people shoot people...cause no one fukin listens or gets to have a full say

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Re: Pitster USA
Sorry folks, but this thread has run it's course. We have vendors attacking vendors, people hiding behind screen names, trolls having nothing to do with the topic at hand stirring the pot and other members protecting their vendor of choice. It's not hard to figure out where the lines are drawn in the sand.

This is not productive for all parties involved, including the huge time-suck for the moderators here.

We have an influx of fine Aussie lads who are here for nothing more then entertainment purposes so they can post a comment here, then run back to another forum and post up something completely different.

Moving forward, if you have a legitimate complaint regarding a vendor who advertises on PM or another vendor outside of PM the posts need to follow the following guidelines:

1. You need to identify who you are. People hiding behind screen names and or trolls not directly involved need not apply. First and Last name and legitimate email address so you can be identified by the vendor so they can understand who they are responding to. Vendors can respond to you directly or address your post and or both. The purpose of your post should be to gain resolution and or clarity on an issue you've had or currently have with a vendor. This goes for members as well.

2. Post must be logical and based upon fact. No bad language, no personal attacks. You will need to explain the purpose of the post clearly discussing the transaction you had with the vendor.

3. People in the peanut gallery need to explain how they are involved in said situation and post up information in #1. If you aren't directly involved, there is no reason to stir the proverbial pot here. Let said member and vendor work it out.

Final notes:

Vendors fighting with other vendors is downright embarassing for all parties involved. Grown men threatening each other both on and offline tossing bombs? Focus on your own business and quit worrying about what others are doing. If you have a supplier/dealer that you no longer wish to do business with, don't do business with said supplier/vendor. To air all of your dirty laundry public is ridiculous.

We welcome all of our new Aussie members here, but if you are posting to stir the pot and aren't contributing to PM in general, you'll be removed without warning or recourse.

Reposting including double and triple posts on closed topics will most likely get you removed from the forums.

Vendors have the ability to edit, delete or lock posts in their respective forums. If you post in the XYZ vendor area, the XYZ vendor can remove your post. The individual vendor forums should be considered 100% advertising for the vendors and can be used as a Q&A as the vendors deem necessary.

Vendors cannot edit, lock or delete posts in the general member areas. The moderators can lock, edit or delete posts and we normally don't even address posts unless it's been reported by members. When threads are reported, all the moderators receive an email notification in real time. For example, this specific thread has been reported numerous times by general members asking for it's removal numerous different reasons.

If you feel you have been wronged by a vendor or another member, and cannot gain a resolution by speaking to a vendor directly, you are welcome to post up said complaint if you follow the steps above.

Enjoy Superbowl Sunday folks.
We have an influx of fine Aussie lads who are here for nothing more then entertainment purposes so they can post a comment here, then run back to another forum and post up something completely different.
Them bloody aussies...
lol, so still no explanation on the deleted Pister related threads on PM eh?? dodged the question quite well i thought.... said that Vendors can delete stuff in their own sub-forums, but didnt explain the deletion of threads in general forums... like Woggy's...

makes me wonder what we've posted on there, then "ran back" here and posted conflicting stories..

Yes, there might have been a few aussies join PM to make a comment or two purely for the Pitster thread, but hey, i'd rather have that, than members jumping ship to another forum based out of another country, cause they've been censored and blacklisted in their own countries forums for "freedom of speech"....

Given that Ken, DHZ and Pitster Pro Aus is highly and widely regarded as THE BEST dealer in Oz, regardless of brand, who looks after us all very, very well, the two threads (this one and the one on PM) just goes to show we are a very principle'd bunch dont it... awwwwz...