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well the whole time, my connection to the forum and ability to reply was perfect as was for plenty of other members

Yup, as was mine for 99% of the time. The issue mainly affected new signups, aka everyone that was coming in to take a peek at the latest internet road kill still going through it's death throws on PM. And as I noted, while the problem was occurring I looked at those specific member's accounts and from my point of view, they were not banned/limited/etc, it was an internal glitch in the forum itself, nothing deliberate.
Yup, as was mine for 99% of the time. The issue mainly affected new signups, aka everyone that was coming in to take a peek at the latest internet road kill still going through it's death throws on PM. And as I noted, while the problem was occurring I looked at those specific member's accounts and from my point of view, they were not banned/limited/etc, it was an internal glitch in the forum itself, nothing deliberate.

that helps Kurlon....as always u is one good dude:D
Any one want to tell blackwoodz I am a man of my word. I had a little moral dilemma, do I screw Terry and lie to him even though he's always done right by me, or let him know about what happened. It took me a week of serious thinking to decide what I should do. I feel I made the right choice.

I thought I was making this up, or I was a racer, or I baited them, or was I looking for a deal, or do I crap unicorns and pee rainbows. Those guy are talking in so many circles I'm getting dizzy

a man of his word huh? Then why did you not just buy a bike from Terry and just pay his priceing? Did you even have intentions of buying a bike?......last time you posted at PM you were all bummed out because you had no job.
Does it matter if he was going to buy a bike or not?

your one to talk making up new usernames
this isnt going to turn into another tupac/viper thing is it?
I see blackwoodz is quite confused. I never asked for the best price on anything. I wanted to know if I could get a customized order on a roller. I assumed if I could get the custom order lxr roller from PP I could get the same from Terry being that he was a dealer at the time. I didn't want it cheaper I just wanted some of the pieces I wouldn't use taken off. See my first message to PP I'm not baiting or asking for a deal.

Try reading.

I was laid off, I work making grinding wheels and specialized abrasives for the automotive and aeronautics industry. Things where slow and me as well as many of my co-workers got laid off. Big difference between laid off and jobless.

It's not any of your business but I also cashed in my 401k as well as have a savings account.
remeber a while ago some user was impersonating one of the sponsors got banned made another acount stated being a smartasre then called himself viper did the same thing unit mx might remember it i see if i can find a link
You get that Blackwoodz. At least read the posts and try to get your facts straight before you go to bashing me. There was a time I was worried I wouldn't get called back to work I have a family to support. Who doesn't worry when they're laid off work and the economy is what it is.
I was honest about what happened with Terry. He cut ties with PP and still offered to help me get the lxr even though he wouldn't be with PP anymore. I told him no thanks I'd find something else because I don't want to do business with a company that is so willing to disregard their dealers and the MSRP's they have set. Not to mention the constant thread/post removal, all seems real shady to me.
so in know its a bit late but are you all complaining about pp us selling the bike cheaper to individuals than there dealers right
so i can uderstand direct sales being cheaper but not cheaper than what the dealers pay and planet minis is owned by pp us and not letting problems be told
To: [email protected]
Subject: lxr roller

Is it possible to get a lxr roller minus a few items? I want to build a custom lxr but don't really want to buy the parts I won't use.

You need to learn to read Backwoodz. I never mentioned anything other than is this possible. I was asked for my zip code then offered a whole bike ( not the roller I asked about) for under dealer cost.
Not like they use to! Could you help fill him in a bit for me Wogtaz, you know about whats going on. Sorry but its getting late here and I'm very tired.