Yeah i was thinking of options for more cooling.. Might print out a page of dots and make something of it..
The flywheel's inner section came loose somehow the magnets seem to be on strong but anyway that touched the stator plate and made some marks, only the inner side (thats slightly prouder to the flywheel) so what i did was i superglued it back into place, (its role isnt really integral) and ran over it with my sanding roll on my dremel a couple times to increase the tolerances a bit..
Dont have any pictures, but built a stop for the brake pedal so it comes down a bit lower and just before the brake activates And ground the pedal down a little to help it all clear..
Removed the air box.. as much as i would like to use it.. its just not going to flow enough for me.. Pod for me..
Stiffend the rear spring up ALOT.. will certainly be going a 800lbs dnm when i can get it..
At the moment it seems to be either on the leaner side of life or the ritcher one.. runs like a dog 1-4k rpm but past that its pretty responsive and usable No air leaks just this ****ty carby.. Once again will wait till i can get a good one.. (pipe glows red pretty quick)
Will keep on prepping for this weekends break in at the farm

My bore could be better *the seal that is But i guess the new rings need to bed in
I also changed the mounting of the pipe a little so the header section isnt so stressed..
Next up i am going to suss out whats happening with the bash plate and maybe fiddle with the timing