Finally, a linkage.. PSTO 125

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The akunar ones are the TB Parts carbs, same same.
The akunar ones are the TB Parts carbs, same same.
I will get one of them for sure then :)
Will be a little while as i "fixed up" my current one to work almost perfectly..

Was originally going to plug the hole, ended up making it perfectly shaped like the original screw.. (well.. quite perfectly) will glue it in before i go riding but its a perfect seal for the moment :) I put the needle to the bottom clip position.. bam hardly any flat spot (apart from idle the norm) and i am quite happy with it (will probably get a new carb soon anyway this is a good quick fix)

How the pipe sits now..
Rear break lever all clearanced up and adjusted to be nice just, about 1.5cm down and it grabs the rear and more importantly doesn't rub against my cases :)

Where i mounted my cdi, note its only done with cable ties.. the tank mount has a perfect gap down the bottom for them and a bolt hole for this application and if you ask me it looks sick (once i cut the tails off)
Here is how the cdi looks from the riders position, As you can see i think this is pretty mint

Now i could have just gone out and ridden ignoring all these things however it makes it much much nicer to spend some time and make it all nice... While i did this i locktited every bolt i touched..

I hope someone else is enjoying to read this build as much as i am enjoying building it..
there isnt anything like building it instead of buying it :)

I took it for a ride today. (just around the back yard.. boy i forgot how much power this thing has) boy i do miss having that firepower between my legs..

The Dremel proved its worth once again today helping me do the final fittings and finish.. i still want to do the holes in the front fender but want to lay it out and think about it 1st i got the bashplate mounted up today, i may just cut the LH side mount off and mig it up closer and maybe the same on the other side

I also agree the gear lever is a little low i may raise that but not to level.. and i will slide the clamps up on the forks as i find theres a little too much front end push (and that sucks)


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You are 100% correct
Im not going to waist $5 worth of jets (that i cant find anywhere) on this molkt carb lol im surprised any manufacturer of pitbikes would use them.. even if they were $5 to start with..

I really do dislike them, the floats or design are crap every jump i hit it bogs every other time and that is near impossible to stop it doing :p maybe the others have better design floats or bowls im not sure?
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It may be an early Molkt, the later ones had most of the issues ironed out. Molkt's need the float to be perfectly level. Some have good results with them, some don't.
yeah i have heard nothing but bad stuff about them molkt's, never had the pleasure of using one tho so its only here say to me though. If its that bad then burn it asap and get ya carb from akunar, or that pwk of motorman's. A engine of that quality deserves better than being forced to sip its liquor through a molkt!!!!
yeah i have heard nothing but bad stuff about them molkt's, never had the pleasure of using one tho so its only here say to me though. If its that bad then burn it asap and get ya carb from akunar, or that pwk of motorman's. A engine of that quality deserves better than being forced to sip its liquor through a molkt!!!!*******-right-heisenberg-gif.png
Some say the bike fell from the same loins that pharlap did all those years ago..
Maybe one day if she wins a couple races it will be injected with as much roids as pharlap too..

All i know is shes race bred and ready to be ridden...
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Okay, took your advice.. did a little work today.. Heres a pic:

Its still rigid, it does not flow much air.. will see how it goes.. I really didnt want the thing to snap on me though :p

Looks decent in the grand scheme of things.


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Cycra do a nice looking fender for $45 inc delivery on ebay.


or you could use a heat gun and a Box cutter and modify one like the Yammy TTR style too ?



or cut down and modify an old XT250/350/600 FENDER


these DT50 fenders are only $34 inc delivery

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Here is a little walk around video of the bike
If you look at some of the AMA bikes they have holes in them to let air flow through as well. :)

Just don't want the holes too big or rocks and stuff could get through.

To be honest im not really overly fussed about oil temp just yet, When i can get my big bore i may need the dual coolers like on the lxr's But i don't think it will be a issue..
I could drill some more holes in my mud guard and it would still probably take a decent sized rock..
Or i could make a mount to make it hang a little lower or something..
Wow someone actually listened to me, hahaha, good stuff Zac my boy. This means I have to do it to mine as well, might wait for my new plastics to come from the UK, 2014 YCF plastics, yeah baby. I reckon mine suffers from oil overheating, might have to get a bigger cooler as well
Wow someone actually listened to me, hahaha, good stuff Zac my boy. This means I have to do it to mine as well, might wait for my new plastics to come from the UK, 2014 YCF plastics, yeah baby. I reckon mine suffers from oil overheating, might have to get a bigger cooler as well
To be honest if i was to do it again i wouldn't do it any other way.. (not that you asked but i may aswell include it)
I just Went to Dot paper template - Paperkit DSCF2134.JPG Ended up with a A4 sheet.. (already marked out where i wanted the dots to start and end on the fender.. And then glued it down with some normal office gluestick glue.. Came back drew some marks.. measured and measured again and drew my pattern nice and straight took alot of time really more than it should have but it beats drawing them up by hand or doing it randomly.. (for this sheet the dots were too small) however 4 of them in a square made a perfect spot for my 3mm drill bit so i used them as a grid.. i guess i should have just used a grid to begin with lol dots came to mind when i started..

Lol phill yours has sooo much power waiting to be exposed you almost dont need it because it will never hook up :p might come in handy on the larger tracks on vcm for sure though Cant wait till i get a big bore
Too bad theres no linkage, or i might have called you a rival :D 1374521231889.jpg
Okay got out for a decent ride today, hill climbs mud bogging.. Some 3rd gear monos having a wicked time..

Also did quite a bit of putting around showing a mate the property.. I think thats what my motor didnt like..

1st of all, got out did a couple laps of a paddoc to see if i forgot anything and if the chain tension etc was all good.. (with some monos and a couple doheys of course)
that being all good i decided to ride the perimeter of the 140 acre farm.. 1st mistake lol
Cruzing down a big hill to a corner of the paddoc that feels miles from the house (where my tools are) as you do using the back break.. i assume it pumped up or something because on my way back up i noticed i was loosing power.. took me a couple clutch dumps to see it was the back brake stuck on (because of my lowered height and them now being pumped up)
A bit of a honnest mistake but had to walk for what seemed like forever up a couple of slippery hills, grab the tools and then walk all the way back again!

I love the power of the bike, forgot what it was like to have a little firepower between my legs.. Power monos in 2nd, a bounce on the zocchis (that are brilliant btw) in 3rd and your flyin..

Not sure of the gear ratio but it was good enough for me to climb some serious hills and not want to go any faster in 4th :p

Really glad i did the conversion minus not having the correct oil coolers.. Will take the head off soon to have a look see to see if it was just the bore glazing up or not.. (how ever she did get hot too touch on the slower ride/bogs) so i let her cool and she was a little smokey then..
after that i was riding at higher speeds, closer to top speed and the oil cooler was warm to the touch but not scorching like before..

I need the bike to take some abuse in the cooling side of things while i open gates etc.. Thinking i should just run some fans.. Or a larger oil cooler.. I could hook one up for almost free as i have a charging stator all i would need is a regulator maybe a little battery and a switch.. or hardwired

Okay, i didnt hone the bore as it looked okay to me at the time.. guess i will have to have another look tomorrow.

Shes blowing smoke.. motor got quite hot i think so maybe the oil control rings didn't like it or something.. Compression still feels as good as when i just installed the new rings.. so i think it may be the bore glazing..

The zoccis felt amazing with only a couple of bottom outs.. not quite as firm as i would like them but maybe i need to grow to like it a bit it took everything well and gave me very predictable steering on what was challenging terrain..

Over all i want to get the bastard not smoking so i can go out and do the same thing again soon :p
i seriously dont think i need a bigger bore *unless of course this one is shagged* just yet it really had a decent amount of power.. as i said monos in 2nd and 3rd no problem and thats with longer gearing

Pics to come, awaiting them to be sent too me
ive got an extra oil cooler here if you want it? the lines come with it too!
sounds like you had a bundle of fun!!!! cant wait to see the piccys!
ive got an extra oil cooler here if you want it? the lines come with it too!
sounds like you had a bundle of fun!!!! cant wait to see the piccys!
I gotta see what caused all the smoke first :p
Not sure if i could fit two.. Maybe if there the small ones and a 90 degrees banjo bolt or something..

Come on pitster Jump in and gimme some oilcoolers lol Not going to buy the dual ones from dhz for $200

I managed to have quite alot of fun, or well enough for me to notice my bikes smoking, check the oil.. then go out and ride again :rolleyes:

So much so i didn't even bother jumping on a mates husaberg 501..
I need to go to the farm for a whole weekend and cut in some jumps or something, i love doing the hill climbs with all this power, 2nd gear hanging off the rear and all the grip the front was in the air most of the time :p even managed to grab 3rd :p
Pics do it no justice, next time i will take my own camera (RIP hero 3 you POS)
I was riding along in one of the paddocks, in 2nd keeping decent pace.. then next thing you know im sinking up to my axles LOL that stopped me in my tracks..
Made for interesting hill climbs that really taught you to hit stuff.. hope for the best and Keep up the momentum
Okay got out to have a look, the bike seems to me smoking whenever it wants, and not any more or less under load..
I think i have cooked the valve stem seals as because the compression is perfect and the bike still produces alot of power..
Will tear it down.. i wont replace the rings and see whats happens.. As i have alot of time and little money :p
Just happy the conversion went well, not one loose bolt or major riding problems cooking the thing wasnt cool but didnt ruin the day too bad really.. And the bikes plenty fast enough till i get my hands on a bigger bore and a nicer carb.. maybe a nicer carb before hand actually

Phill i read up about the copy pwk's and okos..
i have decided to spend the extra $40 and get one with genuine parts as because of the dodjy slides and nature of the whole product.. Will probably get it from dhz.. but i also saw MINIBIKES - OKO Motorcycle Parts and Accessories the clear bowl ones and also the smooth bores.. was thinking the one with the clear bowl as i think thats pretty neat lol and it makes sence really..
i can only assume i would need to clean it regularly to keep the gunk out of it.

I am growing to like the idea of running fans on my oil cooler.. then i could put around doing monos all day and not worry about cooking too much (other than head temps) I wouldnt mind a oil temp gauge also for good measure as this bike wont be on a track 24/7 so i will have to watch that.
at higher track speeds i think it would keep cool enough... However at lower ones with the restricted airflow of the mud gaurd i think not :p
Pretty sure the oil cooler was in the same position when it was on the pitsterpro but then it was only using the stock head...

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