Okay got out for a decent ride today, hill climbs mud bogging.. Some 3rd gear monos having a wicked time..
Also did quite a bit of putting around showing a mate the property.. I think thats what my motor didnt like..
1st of all, got out did a couple laps of a paddoc to see if i forgot anything and if the chain tension etc was all good.. (with some monos and a couple doheys of course)
that being all good i decided to ride the perimeter of the 140 acre farm.. 1st mistake lol
Cruzing down a big hill to a corner of the paddoc that feels miles from the house (where my tools are) as you do using the back break.. i assume it pumped up or something because on my way back up i noticed i was loosing power.. took me a couple clutch dumps to see it was the back brake stuck on (because of my lowered height and them now being pumped up)
A bit of a honnest mistake but had to walk for what seemed like forever up a couple of slippery hills, grab the tools and then walk all the way back again!
I love the power of the bike, forgot what it was like to have a little firepower between my legs.. Power monos in 2nd, a bounce on the zocchis (that are brilliant btw) in 3rd and your flyin..
Not sure of the gear ratio but it was good enough for me to climb some serious hills and not want to go any faster in 4th
Really glad i did the conversion minus not having the correct oil coolers.. Will take the head off soon to have a look see to see if it was just the bore glazing up or not.. (how ever she did get hot too touch on the slower ride/bogs) so i let her cool and she was a little smokey then..
after that i was riding at higher speeds, closer to top speed and the oil cooler was warm to the touch but not scorching like before..
I need the bike to take some abuse in the cooling side of things while i open gates etc.. Thinking i should just run some fans.. Or a larger oil cooler.. I could hook one up for almost free as i have a charging stator all i would need is a regulator maybe a little battery and a switch.. or hardwired
Okay, i didnt hone the bore as it looked okay to me at the time.. guess i will have to have another look tomorrow.
Shes blowing smoke.. motor got quite hot i think so maybe the oil control rings didn't like it or something.. Compression still feels as good as when i just installed the new rings.. so i think it may be the bore glazing..
The zoccis felt amazing with only a couple of bottom outs.. not quite as firm as i would like them but maybe i need to grow to like it a bit it took everything well and gave me very predictable steering on what was challenging terrain..
Over all i want to get the bastard not smoking so i can go out and do the same thing again soon

i seriously dont think i need a bigger bore *unless of course this one is shagged* just yet it really had a decent amount of power.. as i said monos in 2nd and 3rd no problem and thats with longer gearing
Pics to come, awaiting them to be sent too me