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lol cheers mate. she is to wet down here to even leave the house...... only reason i asked as i have 2 sets here that are 45mm but they no good. that one mm makes all the difference ;)
stoozo, the bolts will have to match the threads in the caliper mount plate
mounting holes are 8mm stu, i will have bolts here that match the thread i reckon craig, i have a box of smaller bolts i kept from every bike i have scrapped ;)
I cannot for the life of me find a measuring idea where they all are! Given up on today started on the beers.

Did some hill climbs in the back yard earlier, now I just have to get through the next 48hrs and not think about where I should be this weekend.....instead of sitting in my living room warm dry and extremely bored... :thumbdown:
so i went to do a service/have a look see at how these fast ace forks work today, found a walk through on here and jumped on in. tbh things didnt look to great from the start, when i let the air out of the air chamber i got oil as well. so pull the bottom's off the forks to access the oil chamber, and one chamber is nice and sealed with it's little hex headed bolt but the other leg has nothing what so ever sealing the oil chamber. hmmm something is not right!! this is the first leg after pulling out the oil chamber bung

and here is the other leg. all i did was drain the oil out of the air bleed screw in the bottom, and pull the bottom off. nothing was taken out before this photo

looking at it closely, the hole does have a rubber o ring inside, but no thread to take a bung. im very confused, what is going on?
So if they have an air value they'd be a diaphram type you'll need air pressure. Are you unsure on the oil or how to pull them apart? According to stuff I can find on as 02s. One side has air the other just oil...can you see anything in the big hole with a torch? Should be an Allen bolt in there to unscrew. Although when I did the gpx forks I just undid top caps and that was all. Drained oil put in fresh stuff!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
they both have a oil chamber, and a air chamber, the as 03's only had a adjuster for rebound, no compression. what is tripping me out is one fork has a bung in the oil chamber to seal it, but the other side has a larger hole with no bung, but if i put my finger in the hole i can feel a rubber o ring...... basically i need to no if there was supposed to be a bung there or if i just oil and air pressure in the same chamber on that leg. none of the threads i have read on as 02's have mentioned the two forks being different, they used the same process for both, which i obviously cant, as i cant seal the rebound forks oil chamber
2. Release the air pressure and remove the valve using a 9mm long socket.
3. Remove the little grub screw that secures the lower fork to the sanction.
4. Remove the top adjuster and undo the top fork cap.
5. Place the lower part of the fork in a vice and undo the fork sanction so the lower part of the fork in removed. If you look inside you can see a cap with an allen key bolt with two little holes either side (this is the oil cap)
6. Undo the allen key bolt on the oil cap and drain the oil.
7. Remove the top fork cap and remove the springs and give them a good clean.
8. Pull the outer fork leg off so that the outer and inner fork sanctions are separate, clean inside of the outer leg and regrease the fork seal and dust seal.
9. Remove that oil cap from within the inner sanction and clean the inner sanction at both the upper and lower parts.
10. I then put the oil back in, I put 150ml into the left leg (blue cap) and I filled the right leg right up (about 175ml).
11. place the oil cap back in with the allen key bolt still removed and pump the legs a good few time to remove any air (more so with the rebound leg).
12. Place the allen key bolt back in and tighten up, drain off any extra oil and clean the air chamber.
13. install the outer fork leg back onto the inner fork leg and then place the bottom of the fork back on, put the grub screw back in and also the pressure valve.
14. pump up the air pressure, I have been running left (blue) 110psi and right (red) 60psi.
15. place loads of grease on the springs and reinstall.
16. place the top cap back on and complete by installing the adjuster cap.
17. stick them back in your bike and feel the difference.
that is the proccess im using, apart from actually pulling the forks apart completely. seeing as i only want to do the oil change, i didnt see the point in completely pulling them apart, so the springs are still on and the legs are still pretty much complete, i just pulled the ends off to drain the oil and replace...
So you found this service manual yeah? So one fork leg has an air valve in the bottom and the other doesnt?? Or one side has a bung and the other side doesnt?? Was the side that seems to be missing a part holding oil before? Hmmmm Im really not sure, just found the service manual but iwthout the forks I have no idea.....this may answer your question the diagram in this shows there should be the same valve on each for idea though I found another bit saying they only have one air valve not confusing

FastAce Forks AS02 Service Manual
got a air valve on each side, but the bung is missing from the oil chamber on one of them, well thats what i am assuming. when i released the air from the compression fork, i only had a tiny bit of oil drop out, as it was pretty well sealed in the oil chamber. the rebound side dropped all the oil when i released the air as there was nothing to separate the air chamber from oil chamber. they seamed to work ok for callum before i did this, just were way to soft for me to even ride the bike, thats why i decided on the oil change...
i have read through that, and looking at the diagram of the two forks, there should definately be a bung there to separate the oil chamber from air chamber..
measure up the forks' bore for me, see if it's the same as my forks
if it is i'll send you one of my air/float pistons
nah its all good craig, the bung wont work, cause the internals are as 03's, its only the as o2's the the bung works on. they will work fine, just need diff springs if i was to use em, as the as 03's were quite soft. no stress buddy, just needed to get to the bottom of why they were different :)
it's strange how the internals have been swapped ?
i was searching if there were 2 different models of the AS 02 forks, thinking the AS02AR may have been different ??
yeah i thought so to, i even wondered if they just swapped the legs and stantion off the as 02's... fastace seem to swap their codes around alot which makes it difficult as well. either way im not fussed, as the bike wasnt meant for me anyway so it's no real biggie, i mean callum weighs all of 34 kg's and couldnt bottom them out, where as i could bottom them out with a fair bit of force
wish i had just left these ****ing things as they were, havnt been able to get the air back into them, which i new would happen, but they make a horrible groaning squeaking noise when depressed now. anyone no of someone i can send them to, get em fixed, and get em back at a decent rate? i am in tassie, but would send em to melbourne if i have to. if there isnt anyone close, i might just buy the bloody gpx set and put these in the parts bin for later.......

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