SA Meet and Greet Ride day

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Mini Riders Legend
Aug 20, 2008
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Ok Kiddies, i've PM'ed a few of the Local SA boys to garner interest in a meet and greet ride day to be held at Jams..
So far the response and interest has been very strong, so i thought rather than try and keep track of a hundred different names and PM's, i'd do a thread on it, that can be deleted after the event...
The Idea: Provide an opportunity for MR members to meet up, put some faces to usernames, have a bit of a day on the bikes, do some testing and reviews, offer up a few different types of bikes between us all in the interest of education, a bit of technical help from me for those who want it, ideas and solutions on minibike modifications, but most of all, to make new friends, with like-minded riders, and have a bit of fun behind the bars.
I wanted this to be open to EVERY rider... boys, girls, wives, girlfriends, kids, husbands etc etc... No dogs.. they bite.. lol..
The Venue: Hopefully Jams.. (embarrassingly, i need a bit of help with this one. Does anyone have their number??) If numbers keep rising, we may need to book in advance...
The Date: At this stage it's open to suggestion, as one particular day/date, may not suit everyone... I thought the 1st Sunday of November may be a good starting point. plenty of time for those of us (myself included) who need to get bike or bikes up to scratch, and plenty of time to work around, um, work and other committments...
As for where and when we meet, we can probably figure out something definate closer to the date..

Oh, me being the Tech mod, i will also be making the most of the opportunity of having so many different bikes in the one place, at the same time, so for those who want to come, when you post up your expression of interest, can you tell me what sort of bike/s you are bringing?
At this stage we have two pretty wild 140's, two XB-30's, My Blitzkrieg and a slightly more stock Blitz to name a few... straight up, there are three battles i'm looking forward to seeing, rating and reviewing... it would good to know what sorta bikes are going, and we might be able to organise a few more comparisons... eg 125 Vs 140 Vs 150 Vs 160 for power and speed comparisons, the two Blitzes back to back to see just how far they can be taken etc etc...
For those that can confirm an interest in coming, or can help with organisation, can you please also PM me your phone number, as this will make it far easier to keep track of who's coming, and what sorta numbers we can expect, as well as simplifying communication...

I'm really looking forward to it guys, so if your keen, post up in here!!!!
Should be a great event if we can pull it off, and could be a bit of a lesson for SAMBRA if they are serious about moving in the right direction to build a stronger minibike community here in rAdelaide and surrounding areas. :D The numbers are there, and so is the interest, so lets make it happen!!!

Oh, and i'm also working with I-Thump to get an ODES 450, (China CRF450 copy) out there for testing, back to back laps against my 06 YZF450 and general interest... would be good to use the day to show off just what our "****** chinas" are capable of...

See you there!!!
count me and they lady friend in hope i can sell my x4r and get an lxr or ill just ride the x4r and my stockers klx
just throwing it out there would the saturday befor that sunday work for anyone ? my gf has to work on sundays. just wondering
As in the last saturday of October? yeah might work mate.. like i said, if we can get everyone to put their ideas on the best date that suits, it might work a lil better.. :)
Ooh id be interested to see how that China 450 goes...Wont compare to the yammie...but still would be good to see. Get a vid of it if it does end up happening ey..
Yeah i would come, But Adel is a bit far away for me :eek:
Gl with the event mate.
^^^yeah i dunno Danity... the bike is supposedly copied from an 06 CRF450, and the vids look like it's pretty quick, and kept up with a field of other 450's down a start straight, so the power is obviously there... and keep in mind, mine is also an 06 model, but a 3 yr old one... the ODES is based on an 06 model, but is brand new, and running Ohlins suspension... So yeah, i think a few people will be interested to see the results.. :)
im in.. :) if its the sunday im all good, but if its the saturday i proberly need to know pretty soon as i need to change shifts around at work.

Bikes in bits atm, but parts are on its way, woot!. then i still gotta run it in.

Does anyone know if they allow quads out at jams? i havn't been there b4.
Sadly due to travel commitments ODES cant be present with their 450 for the meet and greet...
A few members have also said the initial proposed date isnt perfect..

So in the interest of allowing all and sundry to be present, and a better chance at getting an ODES 450 there to see, i also propose the last weekend of November as well as an alternative date.


How does Saturday 28th of November sound? That suit anyone?
at this stage i would hav to say the 28th suits me just fine.
let you know a lil closer to the date but looks good.
depending on funds and if i can scab the old mans ute i might be able to make the trip,
if not might talk to a few mates with bikes and see if i can talk them into coming and taking my bike haha

will let you kno though beforehand
fat girl Cam
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^^^sweet, the more the merrier...
where you coming from mate, might be others coming from your area?
on the 28th include

myself, my brother and a mate scott we all have pitpros =)
^^^probably should bring some spare parts and tools then... ;)
And a stanley knife for cutting off the Rockstar graphics... ha ha ha :D

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