hey ruby which bike is better overall? did you like the R1 or tlr?
im just wondering cause i would like to get a R1 but the tlr looks like a sick bike an i havnt ridin a road bike above 600cc so i dont know how they ride
The R1 was just always twitchy and wheelied too easy. Thats a bad thing, when you can't get seirous on the bike without it getting unstable. Mine was a 2002 model, so I'm sure they've sorted most of the bugs, but compared to the TLR it was a handful just to ride on the street. I have buddies on the newer R1s and they can't catch me off the lights. The things still wanna point to the sky instead of moving in a straight line. At the track, my GSXR600 beats most IL4s (dependant upon the rider of course) as the 1000s (especially R1) can't get the power down to the wheels properly. Its alot of work to get it to hold a line.
I'm a bit biased being the owner of this TLR for some years, so take my comments with a grain of salt. But I've tried to give you an honest account of ownership of both.
The TLR was (admittedly) a fat pig of a bike. 196kg from stock, but it has a good chassis to start with. My TLR has been modded to hell: Bitubo rear shock, 2004 Busa forks with RaceTech gear, weight loss, Brembo brake kit, etc. So the suspension and chassis is well sorted. I push my TLR hard and it goes better than the R1. I can ride the TLR at close to 100%, but the R1 I couldn't before it complained about being unstable. The TLR will still spit you off if you get too confident, but the feedback is better. Any IL4 rider or R1 owner will disagree, but I've owned both, and ridden both hard. My 2c worth.
Mind you, it was a 2002 model, but then again the TLR is a 1998 model. And usually when I show up at hangouts or at the track with my TLR in race spec, all the IL4 boys shut up and stare (and drool) LOL. The TLR is slowly becoming a bit of a cult bike. Its got good character, and a thumping exhaust note, and everyone I've run into has something good to say about it. Its not the latest, fastest sports bike, but I could have bought a 2006 GSXR1000 if I wanted that. I own the TLR because its different, gets noticed, and I never get bored with it.