What Else Are You Into??-HOBBIES/TOYS

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Yes thats what my dad does too, my mum describes as "collecting crap".
to be merged with the Hobbies thread... But Cars, bikes, dogs, Rc, have a heap of old bball cards, music, matchbox cars.

As for mother energy drink... Ugh. YUK! Freak!! lol
i collect stuff i find at motie tracks and bits i snap off my bike and **** but all ive got from motie tracks are a bit of a lever and a breather tube cap thing lol. theyre all lyin around in my shed
I collect tools (I have about 15k worth) and have piles of steel, nuts, bolts, etc. filling both my tripple car garage and the space behind it. One day I might even use some of them.

Hahaha today my dad hired a mini skip and we cleaned out the WHOLE shed. You could fit 3 cars in there lenghwise thats how big it is.

My hands hurt :(
hehehehe.. sum lil poor person culd probs make sum pretty neat stuff outta it all.
I'm into anything with wheels that a real man would ride/drive.

In the past I've built a supercharged Nissan 200B sleeper running an SR20DET engine. At the moment I'm building a CA18DET powered 1600 for track racing.


Speaking of track racing, I'm currently racing with Cafe Racers on my GSXR600. Around Mallala I'm running 1m17s which isn't shy at all.

I loved my R1 custom ...


... until I bought this 4 years ago! I've done track days on it, drag raced it, MotoGP'd it. The TLR is an awesome machine.


I previously raced an Aprilia RS250 ... including a stint around Phillip Island for the day ... what a blast.

Thanks man. Almost forgot the pic of the GSXR ...


Finished building it last year, when I took the gamble and sold the RS250 to finance the build. Gamble paid off. I'm no longer getting killed down the straights and have dropped my lap times by 6 seconds.
damn there some sick bikes

why did you decide to put the ca18 in the datsun wouldnt the sr20 been just as easy to install with the same engine mounts or am i wrong??
or is the class only for 1.8ltr's??
like i said in the other post im in love but now seeing your bikes an car builds im even more in love your lucky you live in sa otherwise me an you would of been married by now! lol
Old enough to know better ... young enough to do it all again anyway!

like i said in the other post im in love but now seeing your bikes an car builds im even more in love your lucky you live in sa otherwise me an you would of been married by now! lol

Getting off topic, but ...

Hmmm, you obviously haven't thought about this.
" until I bought this 4 years ago! I've done track days on it, drag raced it, MotoGP'd it. The TLR is an awesome machineey"
. Ruby jus how exactly do you moto GP a bike? i didnt see u race at the last GP. sry just jealous my fireblade was stolen from me 8 months ago and my cagiva mito jus died last sunday. good luck racin. knee down front wheel up:D
Ruby jus how exactly do you moto GP a bike? i didnt see u race at the last GP. sry just jealous my fireblade was stolen from me 8 months ago and my cagiva mito jus died last sunday. good luck racin. knee down front wheel up:D

Ah, I meant I've ridden it from Adelaide to PI and then entered it into the show'n'sine for the past 4 years.

Pity about the Blade getting nicked. That sucks. Did you have insurance?

I've never liked the Cagiva Mitos (I assume you're tlaking about a Mito), they're weak in the power and I've seen 3 Mitos spin the big ends at the track days.

The TLR gets a new paint job in a couple of weeks. I've got a full Rizla Suzuki WSB decal kit to go on. Should look awesome. Keep an eye out for it at the MotoGP if you end up going. The decal kit was going on my GSXR race bike, but then theres the anti-tobacco advertising rule I almost forgot about. :)
I collect mother cans, so far i've got three in my collection.
ty 4 the sympathy. bike theft sucks. noi it werent insured i had jus got it from my cousin and was making it into a street fighter. wasnt even registered. probably in someones go-kart now. My Mito done the big end too. i loved it 200 k.p.h on 100+kgs of metal = fun Wheeeee. Cairns bit too far to ride to P.I but will make the trip on four wheels hopefully.( if holidays get granted) pls boss pls boss..... any ways stay upright. you race prfessionally? or jus for kicks? i.e sponsors etc. you said you work for moto GP. i want your life. wanna swap? lol
Go Casey next Doohan imo
hey ruby which bike is better overall? did you like the R1 or tlr?

im just wondering cause i would like to get a R1 but the tlr looks like a sick bike an i havnt ridin a road bike above 600cc so i dont know how they ride
Cairns bit too far to ride to P.I but will make the trip on four wheels hopefully.( if holidays get granted) pls boss pls boss..... any ways stay upright. you race prfessionally? or jus for kicks? i.e sponsors etc. you said you work for moto GP. i want your life. wanna swap? lol
Go Casey next Doohan imo

I used to love the RS250 for its blinding speed for a small package too.

Nah, I just race for kicks in C grade at the moment in Brackets. I'm stepping up to Supersport by the end of the year when I get my times down enough to qualify for B grade (need to get times down to 1m12s from my best 1m17s). No sponsors. I'm a privateer and will stay that way. I own my bikes and my right to race or not!

I work as a paddock official for the MotoGP round at PI each year and I'm usually the guy wearing the orange jacket with the mike and looking all important. LOL I usually supervise newbies and organise recovery of downed bikes in turns 4 and 5. Biaggi hates me! LOL Casey likes me. I see him each year.

No you can't have my life ... **** off! LOL
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hey ruby which bike is better overall? did you like the R1 or tlr?

im just wondering cause i would like to get a R1 but the tlr looks like a sick bike an i havnt ridin a road bike above 600cc so i dont know how they ride

The R1 was just always twitchy and wheelied too easy. Thats a bad thing, when you can't get seirous on the bike without it getting unstable. Mine was a 2002 model, so I'm sure they've sorted most of the bugs, but compared to the TLR it was a handful just to ride on the street. I have buddies on the newer R1s and they can't catch me off the lights. The things still wanna point to the sky instead of moving in a straight line. At the track, my GSXR600 beats most IL4s (dependant upon the rider of course) as the 1000s (especially R1) can't get the power down to the wheels properly. Its alot of work to get it to hold a line.

I'm a bit biased being the owner of this TLR for some years, so take my comments with a grain of salt. But I've tried to give you an honest account of ownership of both.

The TLR was (admittedly) a fat pig of a bike. 196kg from stock, but it has a good chassis to start with. My TLR has been modded to hell: Bitubo rear shock, 2004 Busa forks with RaceTech gear, weight loss, Brembo brake kit, etc. So the suspension and chassis is well sorted. I push my TLR hard and it goes better than the R1. I can ride the TLR at close to 100%, but the R1 I couldn't before it complained about being unstable. The TLR will still spit you off if you get too confident, but the feedback is better. Any IL4 rider or R1 owner will disagree, but I've owned both, and ridden both hard. My 2c worth.

Mind you, it was a 2002 model, but then again the TLR is a 1998 model. And usually when I show up at hangouts or at the track with my TLR in race spec, all the IL4 boys shut up and stare (and drool) LOL. The TLR is slowly becoming a bit of a cult bike. Its got good character, and a thumping exhaust note, and everyone I've run into has something good to say about it. Its not the latest, fastest sports bike, but I could have bought a 2006 GSXR1000 if I wanted that. I own the TLR because its different, gets noticed, and I never get bored with it.
my time fillers other then work


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