Atomik Reign, Lifan 150, Big Foot questions

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Thanks that worked a treat!

So far I have removed that circular cover and i've removed the bolts that hold the big one on but I can't seem to get it off.. I don't want to wreck the gaskets as I am leaving to go riding on thursday

To get the clutch cover off I actually just turned the spring and it popped off
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so have you undone all of the 8mm headed bolts around the outside of the cover?
one of the small oil filter cover bolts holds it on to the case too

that movement in the clutch plates is normal
Yeah all of the 8mm and took off the oil filter too...

I'm not sure why it won't budge.. i'll go have another go soon
the gaskets might be stuck, be carefull when you get it to move, the gasket coul be stuck to both sides, the cover and case
there are some dowels that hep line it up that make it hard too
gently tap the top down with a rubber mallet ? and watch the gasket

you might need to run a box cutter/razor blade along the case to lift the gasket as you go if it does beak use a dab of silicon on it to help it seal when you reassemble it
Thanks for the effort you've put in dude... I put it all back together and i'll do it all again when I get back. It's too soon to be tearing it apart because if I wreck the gasket I don't know if the Atomik shop will have a new one (I have gasket sealant in a tube, Can I use that on motorbikes?)

I'll get back to it when I get back, I ordered a complete gasket set on eBay on Sunday so I can just tear it apart when that arrives and not worry about the gasket
yeah cool, i bought that $9.99 full gasket kit for stoozos' Lifan 150 too
fast postage, ordered it friday arvo, got it monday morn.
Good to hear, And i'm in closer to melb so I should get it soon! It was posted yesterday
How much oil should be in it? I changed it then and I got exactly 500ml of old oil out...

Now this was at about halfway on the window when the oil was cold if i'm correct... Is this about how much should be in there?
should be closer to the 7/800 ml mark im pretty sure, are you running a oil cooler? if so you wilol need more in there so that when the oil is circulating through the cooler there is still plenty of oil in your cases keeping your bottom end lubed
Yeah dude theres an oil cooler, Whats the best way to fill it up by...
The window or fill it up by measuring?

Should I check it while it's running and see where it's at? I know that it goes down a bit as soon as you turn it on then it thins out
yeah as above, just to the topm
so you can slightly tilt it to the left and you'll see it go down a bit in the window
Well I took it camping and had a bit of fun, Went to grannies flat on the jamieson river...
I have discovered that 150 isn't enough and that pit bikes aren't made to be ridden up steep stuff :D
It kept dying sometimes and i thought carby problems so I took it off a couple of times and cleaned it out and then took it out once more and it failed to proceed.....

After pushing it back I figured out I had no spark and the ignition lead has broken off from the black box (CDI)
We were able to cut the lead a bit and push it back in and it's working good again now, But should I replace it?

I might be getting my grandpas old DR250 that lost all it's compression so hopefully I can also get that running :)
That will be the coil lead going to the coil.
They have like a self tapper thread inside the lead screws onto.
I'll link you a good lead when i get home, ebay have Splitfire leads for under $20,
They almost double the spark
The DR sounds good too, what year?
I might be able to find you a free pdf service manual for it.
Thanks, Not sure what year at this stage i'll ask him if I can get it going... It's not like he will ever use it
The coil had like a point coming out of it that was rusted and we put some WD-40 on it and scraped a bit of rust off and then put the lead back on twisted it a bit and then got spark again...

It's possible that the pointy needle thing coming out of the Coil isn't making excellent contact with the lead, Will this make much of a difference?
Yeah the rust isn't a good thing, it will still work but it can create a bit of extra load on the coil.
I'll link you a couple of performance upgrade coils too

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