Well I spent half the night getting pms from blackwoodz .... here's a sample
Originally Posted by Pitster Rider
I am a dealer. How do you want me to prove this.
No worries though mate. I will not be back. The only I came here in the first place is because some jacked up hill billy trying to ruin a company just because he doesn;t get what he wants from them....Its called internet extortion.
to which I replied
Rubbish I matched your IP and your email is a dead give away ... so don't p#ss in my pocket and tell me it's raining mate ... you are well known on planet minis .... not as a dealer and not much as a rider either I hear .... so again don't insult me .
As for not coming back ?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out .
So we have crew running around lying and an importer caught shafting his dealers ?
Way to to destroy your credability Pitster U.S, see how that goes for ya's in a month or two as this becomes common knowledge ....
didn't have enough of the market already huh?
had to chuck em out the door at the expense of your dealers huh?
Man those guys have families and were already doing it tough due to the economy .... they are the ones who got you where you are and you're snaking sales off em. Not only is this business suicide it's also just about as low as ya get in my books so all I'd say at this point is reap the whirlwind you genius
If someone comes on a prooves pitsters critics wrong I'll happily eat my words but we still have a thing called freedom of speech over here ...remember that? you guys used to be big on it too..... on this sight people can express their opinions without fear of the corperate censorship that seems to have raised it's ugly head on PM ....DON'T START ME ON WHAT THAT DOES TO PM'S CREDABILITY....and yes some have come here from PM because of said censorship and so far they have made a strong case.As you can see by the pm I posted all I've heard from the other side is lies .... we're Australian .... we call em as we see em, it's in our nature ... we also like to give everyone a "fair go" so I'd like to invite Pitster US to reply if they are at all concerned over these allegations ....
To all our American friends you're welcome here and I can ensure you there will be no censorship here ....
we just love pitbikes too much to be bought ..... and companies over here know it