Did you get ripped off

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Unlocked, but we'll see...

I disagree with OP's allegation the product is inferior, but agree the business practices are poor.
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I don't get to see PM, so I will not have the option of responding to anything there. Thank you for letting me post here.
Here are all the comments so far:

There have been aligations made on MR:

- http://www.miniriders.com.au/general-chat/26528-did-you-get-ripped-off.html

We'ld like to hear from you, so please get into contact.


here we go!

Like to see what he says thats all.

Discussions can be made else where if need be. Planetminis is not taking sides for either parties. This has already been brought up before and it always ends ugly and in a bashing fest.

As long as the conversations stay civil, this one will ride.

Keep the personal attacks off the forums and factual in nature and they will ride.

Proceed and moving to Chinese minis forum.

Price quoted to OP (on Aussie forum) was $100 below PP's listed dealer pricing, BTW.

I was the competing dealer on that transaction, but when I asked Gary, he stated that since I was not within 100 miles of the buyer, it was not infringing on my territory. And that the OP must have submitted a racing resume. And that the OP was making it up...

You just have to live over 100miles from the closest dealer, to get dealer cost or better, or dial Utah and press option #1.


ohhhh boy

Discussions can be made else where if need be. Planetminis is not taking sides for either parties. This has already been brought up before and it always ends ugly and in a bashing fest.

May I see the prof of these threads/discussions?

Thought not. Pister USA???

some1s let the bulldog lose, go scitch em boy!

more bad english, hey this is completely unrelated, how come you have to be logged in to see the front page thread listings?


The sad part is that we all know what they do and yet loads of folks still give that man their money.. Things will change soon and the only ones that will fade away are the ones that have been VERY greedy.

Farewell Pitster Pro.

The rest of us (end users) have nothing to worry about the same products will live on and get better regardless of what Pister does.

some1s let the bulldog lose, go scitch em boy!

He he he.

The sad part is that we all know what they do and yet loads of folks still give that man their money.. Things will change soon and the only ones that will fade away are the ones that have been VERY greedy.

Farewell Pitster Pro.

The rest of us (end users) have nothing to worry about the same products will live on and get better regardless of what Pister does.

Yes things will go on. Things will become better, regardless of what happens to Pister US.

BTW: This is not towards Pitster AUS. Our dealer is the best and goes out of his way for anybody that has anything to do with pitbikes here in AUS.
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Well I spent half the night getting pms from blackwoodz .... here's a sample:rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Pitster Rider
I am a dealer. How do you want me to prove this.
No worries though mate. I will not be back. The only I came here in the first place is because some jacked up hill billy trying to ruin a company just because he doesn;t get what he wants from them....Its called internet extortion.

to which I replied

Rubbish I matched your IP and your email is a dead give away ... so don't p#ss in my pocket and tell me it's raining mate ... you are well known on planet minis .... not as a dealer and not much as a rider either I hear .... so again don't insult me .

As for not coming back ?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out .


So we have crew running around lying and an importer caught shafting his dealers ?

Way to to destroy your credability Pitster U.S, see how that goes for ya's in a month or two as this becomes common knowledge ....

didn't have enough of the market already huh?

had to chuck em out the door at the expense of your dealers huh?

Man those guys have families and were already doing it tough due to the economy .... they are the ones who got you where you are and you're snaking sales off em. Not only is this business suicide it's also just about as low as ya get in my books so all I'd say at this point is reap the whirlwind you genius :rolleyes:

If someone comes on a prooves pitsters critics wrong I'll happily eat my words but we still have a thing called freedom of speech over here ...remember that? you guys used to be big on it too..... on this sight people can express their opinions without fear of the corperate censorship that seems to have raised it's ugly head on PM ....DON'T START ME ON WHAT THAT DOES TO PM'S CREDABILITY....and yes some have come here from PM because of said censorship and so far they have made a strong case.As you can see by the pm I posted all I've heard from the other side is lies .... we're Australian .... we call em as we see em, it's in our nature ... we also like to give everyone a "fair go" so I'd like to invite Pitster US to reply if they are at all concerned over these allegations ....

To all our American friends you're welcome here and I can ensure you there will be no censorship here ....

we just love pitbikes too much to be bought ..... and companies over here know it :D
nice work BD93! I'm surprised your PM thread isn't deleted yet.

As much as I'd like to stay out of this one I just wanna say Pitster AUS are the Best Pitbike dealer in AUS, no-matter what you ride Ken will go out of his way to help you and supply you with parts at a great price and quick delivery....
It's sad to hear that PM is being moderated with Pitster US's best interests in mind, and that instead of addressing any issues customers may have they just try to cover it up and pretend it never happened, customer service is very important in the pitbike market, as is value for money and being able to trust your dealer/parts supplier.... if pitster US keep carrying on like this they will lose their customers respect and someone else will rise up and take their place ...
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't mess with the Aussies!

I couldn't even begin to tell you how lucky you all are to have a dealer like that. I've heard nothing but good things about him, and that's not because some one deleted the bad.

Thanks again for letting me be a member of this forum.
Could I get an update from someone where Bulldog left off, please. I can't see it for myself
"We only have one future, and it will be made of our dreams, if we have the courage to challenge convention."

Soichiro Honda


^^Nice quote^^

LOL, well I have read all of this, the post here and on that Aussie forum. I don't want to sound dumb, but I still really don't know what this is all about? Did someone buy a bike and think they over paid? Or is this a dealer thing?

LOL, well I have read all of this, the post here and on that Aussie forum. I don't want to sound dumb, but I still really don't know what this is all about? Did someone buy a bike and think they over paid? Or is this a dealer thing?

LOL don't feel bad i dont get it either.

Here are a few quotes from MR:

Originally Posted by Dreadful
Well I spent half the night getting pms from blackwoodz .... here's a sample
Originally Posted by Pitster Rider
I am a dealer. How do you want me to prove this.
No worries though mate. I will not be back. The only I came here in the first place is because some jacked up hill billy trying to ruin a company just because he doesn;t get what he wants from them....Its called internet extortion.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^
to which I replied
Rubbish I matched your IP and your email is a dead give away ... so don't p#ss in my pocket and tell me it's raining mate ... you are well known on planet minis .... not as a dealer and not much as a rider either I hear .... so again don't insult me .
As for not coming back ?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out .
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^

So we have crew running around lying and an importer caught shafting his dealers ?
Way to to destroy your credability Pitster U.S, see how that goes for ya's in a month or two as this becomes common knowledge ....
didn't have enough of the market already huh?
had to chuck em out the door at the expense of your dealers huh?
Man those guys have families and were already doing it tough due to the economy .... they are the ones who got you where you are and you're snaking sales off em. Not only is this business suicide it's also just about as low as ya get in my books so all I'd say at this point is reap the whirlwind you genius
If someone comes on a prooves pitsters critics wrong I'll happily eat my words but we still have a thing called freedom of speech over here ...remember that? you guys used to be big on it too..... on this sight people can express their opinions without fear of the corperate censorship that seems to have raised it's ugly head on PM ....DON'T START ME ON WHAT THAT DOES TO PM'S CREDABILITY....and yes some have come here from PM because of said censorship and so far they have made a strong case.As you can see by the pm I posted all I've heard from the other side is lies .... we're Australian .... we call em as we see em, it's in our nature ... we also like to give everyone a "fair go" so I'd like to invite Pitster US to reply if they are at all concerned over these allegations ....
To all our American friends you're welcome here and I can ensure you there will be no censorship here ....

we just love pitbikes too much to be bought ..... and companies over here know it

Originally Posted by DvDRip
nice work BD93! I'm surprised your PM thread isn't deleted yet.

As much as I'd like to stay out of this one I just wanna say Pitster AUS are the Best Pitbike dealer in AUS, no-matter what you ride Ken will go out of his way to help you and supply you with parts at a great price and quick delivery....
It's sad to hear that PM is being moderated with Pitster US's best interests in mind, and that instead of addressing any issues customers may have they just try to cover it up and pretend it never happened, customer service is very important in the pitbike market, as is value for money and being able to trust your dealer/parts supplier.... if pitster US keep carrying on like this they will lose their customers respect and someone else will rise up and take their place ...

Read carefully, intently and take it in. You'll then get the picture.

this is great it has actually been going on for years and that is why you see so many dealers/supporters come and go for pitster. keep it clean

of course you would say that

you have already been bought out

oh an Pitster US your quick to delete threads on here that concern the quality of your product but your not too worried about these allegations?

whats the go its 100% true?

well i suppose this post will just get deleted as well and im sort of suprised this thread is still here

hahahha i love drama!!!!!!!

I never lied to those guys. as for getting pms all night. I think I sent him 3 this morning eastern time zone that were all about two to three lines long.

What is your intent here? Terry has stated what his deal was. Yes I feel this may or may not have been a legit deal but hearsay will not stand up in any court room. Maybe Pitster needs to make some phone calls to their attorneys for slander suits. Either way this is what takes all the fun right out of the minbike market for me.

I had told myself I would not even post in this thread but as you make it your mission to bring me into it I guess I will till this as so many of these posting are locked.

BTW....you bloke their is no such thing as freedom of speech in a privately operated forum here or in the land down under.

There is in our Forum actually...

Thats all our forum is. So suck it up you pussy. I agree with every thing Dreadful said EVRYTHING!!

My intent is to find out about these alegations. What is yours?

I'm somewhat lost on this..

My impression is that Pitster has a set price that his dealers can sell at and that he will than go and sell in their territories for less than dealer price and/or the dealers fixed price?

Can someone set me straight on this!

Here you go. I just have to quote one more thing.
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yep it would be good to hear the other side of the story from PP in the states right about now...
not that thats gonna happen tho...
Here is an update:

Just to let you all now that EVERY post including mine are beeing quoted

Yes pitster are selling direct to people for cheaper then what there selling to dealers... so dealers are getting suckered bad

y cant we all just get along! lol

p.s. ride honda

when they undercut their vendors how do the pitster shops make any money to stay open and sell bikes.... when in utah their selling bikes way below dealer cost!!!

what do u guys expect? take a damn economics class. china holds business way over any contract. this is why honda, yamaha etc.. has control over there products but u guys buy these china machines with no rules or a set of customized rules for each buyer and if a joe from the street called china they would ship them a container and with a new and different set of rules...

Not the point. The point is PP USA is screwing over many of his hardworking dealers. Have a read through all the pages on MR.

because "dealer cost" is not "actual" cost.... have you ever spent five minutes time and looked at the chinese websites selling the bikes produced from the same fatories Pitsters are??? and looked at how much they actually cost??? I know that this is a bit of comparing apples to oranges because Pitster has direct contact and control of what they are producing, or paying to be produced.... this may also be a deterant to Pitster....

My beef is that most of their "business" these days seems to be to people in the complete bike market, then have given little support to a customer after the purchase.... This may only be true in my neck of the woods, but I have seen and been a part of a lot of it... I have even heard that Pitster has had reluctance in selling a rollers or specific pieces thereof to dealers... which really hurts a dealers his/hers business through lack of customer support.

all in all: Pitster is corporate and maintains income as opposed to support for their dealers.... I know business is "dog eat dog" but I have witnessed when customers have suffered from this, me being one of them.

Well it looks like the typical Pitster haters are at it again, nice work boys. It really is sad to see that your life is so unproductive that you must try to bash and find away to tear down our business. I guess to each there own. But it sad that Planet minis has become what it is, and that it is allowed for other non Pitster Pro vendors to jump in and bash Pitster Pro any chance they get. You know who you are.

This is completely blown WAY out of propartion, Pitster Pro USA does not sale bikes to AU or another country were a EXCLUSIVE PITSTER PRO importer are established! DHZ is a great EXCLUSIVE Importer in AU and has been working with us for many yrs. Each Importer is listed on our USA website so customers can contact and get the local service they need.

Pitster Pro has REAL dealers all over the USA and lists them on our live dealer locater. We support all Pitster Pro dealers who carry stock and promote the product in a positive way. However if a dealer is not listed within a 150 miles we at Pitster Pro do have the rights to serve the customers or establish a dealer in the area.

We do not send a customer to a DROP SHIP dealer who has NO STOCK ON HAND AND OFFERS NO SERVICE TO THE CUSTOMER! The REAL ( not fake made up customer as in this case ) would prefer to deal directly with us then a drop ship dealer who works from there home and carries NO STOCK!! Hence the reason why WE DON'T HAVE DROP SHIP DEALERS ANY LONGER!!

This so called customer was a fake person trying to decieve us, and in fact NEVER purchased a bike! However Pitster Pro has sold well over 12,000 bikers WORLDS WIDE through its many supporting Pitster Pro Importers and dealers, and will continue to expand our dealer network and Importers world wide!

For all you haters, it really is getting old!! As for Pitster Pro WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY and will continue to support the many dealers and riders who we work with world wide.

Thank you.
Well I'm not a fake person and was not trying to decieve anyone. I would have been a customer until I witnessed how they treated their dealers and I saw the threads about problems disappear.

I'm glad I didn't buy the bike as I had intended.
Update Hahahahahaha
Yea i agree theres not something right with pitster pro... orderd a bike in december, had sale prices on the website and when i got on the phone with them they kept changing the prices on the bikes.. finally got the bike ordered and i kept asking for a tracking #, never would give me one, but then when he gave me one finally, i found out he turned the shipping around on the bike after it was half way here, charged me for turn around shipping on my credit card...he told me that nothin he did was going to make me happy and thats the reason why he turned it around... but all i wanted was a tracking #, But i Had to contact my bank b/c of the transactions he was putting on my card, took about 3 weeks to get my 3grand back... then he went on emailing me wanting to cover everything up on the posts i made...to get them all deleted. But thats the first time and last time i am going to deal with pitster pro bc of the BS they were pulling.


I thought this was supposed to stay away from personal attacks, but if you must know...

yes my days are very unproductive doing human cancer genetics research

it is unfortunate that a company of your "caliber" must deter from the questions being proposed and the "slander" accusations against you but lumping a substancial amount of the pitbike world/sport/customers into a Pitster haters group.... this really shows a lack of intelligence by stereotyping....

Actually we are more then happy to support any customer and the indusrty, hence we have been doing this for many yrs and have many happy customers all over the world!! If you have a Pitster or need parts for any other bike we are happy to help you do. We do this every day 9-5 Mtn m-f! We are not some guy working out of a house trying to make a few quick bucks, or some guy doing this on "the side" like some many!!

1) IF you read the MR thread you would've relised we knew it was you hence why Iposted it here as the bloke (Truth) was banned from PM is that correct?

2) Aus has only 1 PP importer and it's cheapier to go through him then to get 1 bike off you. Hence why we don't have this problem here

3) Ken (DHZ, PP) is one of the most loyal pitbike dealers you'll meet and I'm prod to surport him.


I thought this was supposed to stay away from personal attacks, but if you must know...

yes my days are very unproductive doing human cancer genetics research

it is unfortunate that a company of your "caliber" must deter from the questions being proposed and the "slander" accusations against you but lumping a substancial amount of the pitbike world/sport/customers into a Pitster haters group.... this really shows a lack of intelligence by stereotyping....

I hope things are well with you in OHIO, home of the "HE MAN PITSTER HATERS", lol. I would guess if I checked your Ip address I would know just who you are too. Have a nice day.

For those of you that need Pit Pike parts and accessories and Pitster Pro info and help. You know were to find us.

Speaking of slander!!! lol WOW! once again an attempt to attack someone else as opposed to address the topics at hand???

once again a very poor showing of intelligence.... but I won't attack that in slander....

some of the best companies in the world began as a side job.... or out of a home. This doesn't make them any better or inferior to you. My reasons for refusing to do business with you and spend the 10k or so I spent last year on this addiction is the poor support I have recieved and the dealers in my area.
My name was Keele81 here, there, every where. I changed it to Truth after being called a liar for pointing out what was going on. I thought it would cut down on me getting bashed for standing up against what I feel is wrong, so much for that. I'm a proud person and don't take kindly to having my integrity insulted. If I was trying to be deceptive in anyway why would I admit that.

Why I was selling off all my stuff, look at my posts in the classified section on PM (keele81)I was going to buy a lxr.
has anyone here in australia bought or had a quote for Pitster Pro parts from the states?
if so post it up on the planet minis thread please...