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been looking on planet minis, and the blokes on there run the tb inlet you posted above craig, on their klx mods. now correct me if im wrong but the zonger engines are klx intake port arent they? if so then that tb intake you put up before will work :) got a reply from ooracing and they said they couldnt help me unless i could get the bike to them. i then explained its a mighty long trip to england ;)
yeah they are KLX ports
the TB manifolds are expensive for what they are, if you take off the $20 for the adapter they are still about 3 times the price of a china manifold
just emailed them to see if they will ship it. wonder if dhz would let me return the daytona manifold the sent me in exchange for a tb one? that way im not payin through the wazoo
hmmm link sent me to a item not found message lol. she's all good, il try sort something out with dhz tomorrow, would be great if they will do a exchange ^^
it will be pretty quick, maybe ask him

your link isn't working either ? strange
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yeah right, that is strange. basically he has the same manifold you have for 22.95 plus whatever shipping is :)
now thats sorted, ive just got to get the triples sorted for the young fellas ktm knock off now. going through what blender went through getting his triples to mount to his frame. ahh well never ends.
ahaha, lol i can help you out if u need, although its pretty simple to do. whats the length of the KTM knock off's steering stem ?
I thought they were a straight fit?? The gpx forks fit my triples find!! Or is it head stem issues?

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
im just sending it to a engineering shop blender, i dont have a lathe :( i tried three different sets of triples i had here and none worked.

i didnt lathe mine, i did the original stem, but then realised the bearings had a different top and bottom measurements. prepare for a hefty price for getting it all done, its pretty labour/hour intensive..
I thought they were a straight fit?? The gpx forks fit my triples find!! Or is it head stem issues?

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
headstem on my fancy triples is to long. im going to get them to lathe it down in thickness to all ow the bearing to slide down further and cut the tread in to that point as well. i have the original for them to go off so shouldnt be to bad. couldnt get the bearing or lower triple off the headstem tho so il have to pay for them to press that off to. worst thing is he is getting a whole new bike in 4 1/2 months as its time for gears.... either pitster pro 110 or a braaap pro 50 ( i like the braaap pro frame, but he would want more go real quick, as he throws the 2 stroke around way to easy for his size) will depend on budget and availability
Ah yeah I got a bmx axle milled down at one point. Only cost $20 but it was literally 2mm and 5mins work.

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk

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