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wellll... i was planning to machine the front axle, due to the fact it was manufactured incorrectly, so what do you do when you have access to a horizontal mill? you FIX IT!! :p
but thats the rear axle I'm covering...? ok so i had planned on painting the ends of the axel's just so it looked tidy....
So here is the axle up on the mill bed in a special chuck... cant exactly remember what its called


So wait why did i machine down the end? well what was happening was the socket was getting really stuck on the end.. like i had to hit it with a hammer to get it off.. fun!! :p the socket was also biting into the hex points... as you can see below...

So here you can see that I have made a full pass on the axle... I found that i was 0.22 of a mm out... so i fixed that up and she fits very snug!


Below you can see how bad the part once was... ie the "corroded" and the "mill" "finish


now for paint.... welllllll i had to go alloy finish paint... because i reckon it gives it a bit of "factory finish" to it and it doesn't make it an eyesore.. :) also sandblasted the ends and spacers and head of the bolts... i left the actual axle shank alone as you are meant to keep it as shiny as possible..


this one is a bit blurry but you should get the jist of it!


Stay Tuned!!! :p
Good work.

That Tailstock looks like it's copped a hiding over the years

Your milling didn't cut into it did it ?
LOL yeah its had a bit of.. ummm "redesigning" by the looks... nahh i had the teacher come give me a hand.. he did the first cut not me... i had no idea what i was doing until he showed me :p
all i did was i picked out what looked to be the best side of the hex and used that as a guide for an engineers sqaure on the bed so we got it dead on straight! now that your talking about that tailstock... the kid behind me... maybe 2-3metres away started cutting into the the lathe chuck... the kid doesn't really want to be in the class... is how i could put it nicely!
I hate people like that, that choose to do something, then decide they dont want to do it, and instead of finding something they want to do, they just make it harder for those that want to be there!! ;) Lookin good Loco :)
Lol Im hearin ya blender!!!
and yeah sure is!!!
hopefully grab some terminals to finish up the wiring this weekend... and a bit of fiddling... then.... i wait.... ;)

ok so when i got snaptraxes kindly donated rocker arms.. well i tried to adjust them.. and well the nut was... pretty tight... like.. i had to crack out the 1/2 in 500mm breaker bar... but that jut worked like i wasnt even trying!! lol! damn you leverage!!! :p
also compared the rockers to the undamaged rocker... only thing that im worried about is the oil hole for where the guide goes through.. its slightly smaller then the yx's... as you can see in the pics...


^the top is the one i got from snaptrax.. note the smaller hole...
I found a drill bit that should do the job....


The top rocker looks like a standard Z155Ho/Z160Ho rocker, it should be fine as is, or drill it out if you want.
I dont even know what those rockers where out of. I just found them in my spares box haha.
At least they will work for ya Loco
LOL... cheers thoe!!! life saver!!
hmmm.. now the wiring....
so these three go to the engine... or the other green...


Thats coming from the motor so they connect...


Then i've go these 2 left over....?? any ideas?


Thats black and yellow and solid green^
Kill switch or Coil pack maybe.
Black w/Yellow stripe wire and the Green wire is for the ignition coil

Black w/Red wire is source coil on the stator , goes to cdi
Blue w/White wire is the trigger coil from stator , goes to cdi

Black w/White wire is the Kill switch wire (other side of kill switch goes to earth.)
also just purchased this little sucker.. 1/4 torque wrench... it'll do all the torque specs for the tightening down bit! also copied the head torque specs out of the klx110 workshop manual...
Those wires are different to your first 2 pics though ?
is the top picture the main wiring loom ?

in the 2nd pic, there are 2 different plugs/sockets you can use for the kill switch depending on what end your kill switch has.
both have a black w/white striped wire and a green wire.
the second one you aren't using you can cut off insulate the wire ends and tape them back to your loom, or tape the spare plug/socket back to your loom

in the 1st pic
the black wire and green wire to the left of the shot, is the black wire a black w/yellow stripe wire ?
the black w/yellow striped wire and the green next to it are for the ignition coil
Ok cool! So what do I do with the black w/white stripe and green it goes to the kill switch But you're saying to ground it?
How can I do that.. It'll either be the green or blackw/White stripe left over if I were to connect them in a parallel circuit using the other end of the kill switch to the frame?

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